Day 1: The Journey Begins

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Peridot P.O.V

I find myself piloting the ship after another routine checkup to make sure nothing is malfunctioning. With everything in working order I decided to rest and just take charge piloting the ship. 'God knows jasper won't do anything to help...' I quietly grumble to myself, just thinking about her got me frustrated. I shake my head and focus on steering the ship. This soon gets boring, however.

After a while of steering the ship, I put it on autopilot and stand up from my floating swivel chair. I sigh and wall out of the room, walking straight to a control panel. I open the panel and start checking the wires to see if they're in the right places. I then hear booming footsteps coming down the corridor. I cringe, knowing exactly who it was.

"Hey, peridot, now what are you doing? Checking again? This is the fifth time in twenty-four hours! I think it's fine," I heard Jasper's thundering voice from behind me. I turn to her, pulling my infamous double-frown.

"What does it matter to you? I'm not wasting your time, am I? So just leave me alone." I cross my arms and wait for her response.

The bigger gem glared down at me. "Who said you were my superior?"

"Yellow Diamond, when she sent you on this trip with me. I wish she had chosen somebody else to go on this diamond forsaken trip with me." I turn back to the panel and keep working. I hear a low growl from Jasper, then see a fist in the wall next to my head. I gasp and look back at her, fear in my eyes.

"Don't test me, you little brat. She sent me on this mission to protect you from those Crystal fucks. She knows I'm the only gem strong enough to. So stop your damn complaining, or I'll make you, understand?!" I feel myself nodding in response, not able to speak. "Good. Now, fix the damn ship." She pulls he hand away from the wall and walks off. I stand there shaking slightly, then turn back to the panel, fixing it.

Jasper's P.O.V.

I walk away with a slight stinging in my hand, glaring at the floor as I walk. 'Why is she always so angry? She always so fucking focused on her work. Why do I even care about that little nerd?!' I keep walking down the corridor until I come to my room. I walk inside and go to the window, showing the endless blackness and little white stars in the distance. I glare out the window at the stars, extremely pissed.

"Why does that nerd make me so mad? Why do I even care what she thinks?! Why did I accept this damn mission?!" I punch the wall next to the window. "How is she always getting under my skin? She just makes me so mad! I wish I never came on this mission..." The only good thing about this mission was seeing Rose Quartz. I finally get to beat her into the ground. But, that's not what's been on my mind, not even close.

I shake my head to get the thought away and pick up a stack of papers, flipping through them. All the papers are on things about Earth. "This planet is so pathetic. Why do those stupid crystal gems want it anyway? It's not worth our time." I keep flipping through until I come to a certain page. This page was about the humans "sleeping." I look over the page a few times, studying it. I soon decide to try this "sleeping." I lie down on the ground and close my eyes. "Is this all we do... Just lay here. This is stupid." I lie there for a while with my eyes closed, breathing uneven and low. 'And so, the journey begins... Whoop dee fucking do.'

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