Day 10: Something New

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Peridot's P.O.V

'It's been three days and I still can't fix the panel... This is not good! I designed this damn ship! I should be able to fix it!' I think to myself as I walk down the corridor to the broken panel. I take the panel away and start tinkering with it again. 'At least I've gotten a little help from Jasper. Well... She's been trying to help at least. It's odd. She's not supposed to have a nice nature, she's supposed to be-' Before I finish my thought I hear a booming voice coming down the hall towards me.

"Hey, Peridot. Did you get that thing fixed yet? Or is it busted still," I hear Jasper ask as she walks up to me. I sigh and shake my head, still trying to fix the panel.

"No, it's still broken. I don't know what it is! It shouldn't be taking me this long to fix it. Maybe I'm just missing something..." I sigh again and continue tinkering, coming to no real conclusions. Jasper stands next to me, watching silently.

After a while of tinkering, I huff and put the panel back. "I need a break. This is ridiculous..." I walk away from the panel and Jasper follows behind me. We both walk into the control room and I sit down in the chair to steer the ship. I give a small groan and click a button on the limb enhancer on my arm, making it come off. After I take it off, I do the same to the rest of them. I then stretch out, my legs not even touching the floor of the ship. Then I look over at Jasper, receiving a surprised and slightly confused look in return. "What? Why are you giving me that look?"

"I thought those were attached! You're so fucking small!" She gives a loud, bellowing laugh and I feel heat come to my face. "This is hilarious! Does anybody else know? Oh, sweet Diamond!"

"Shut up! Don't laugh at me! I need them to do my job! It's not funny!" She continues her loud, obnoxious laughter as I glare at her with silent fury. She then proceeds to walk over to me and pick me. I feel my cheeks go hot as I blush with embarrassment. "Put me down! What the hell do you think you're doing?!"

"You're so small! Other Peridot's aren't this small, were you premature or something?"

"No, I wasn't! Now put me down, you... You... Hot-headed son of a bitch!"

Jasper's P.O.V

"No, I wasn't! Now put me down, you... You... Hot-headed son of a bitch!" I stop laughing and stare at her for a second. As soon as I stop laughing, she gets a terrified look on her face and tries to curl herself into a ball. "I-I didn't mean... To say that... Please don't hurt me..."

I keep staring at her for a while, not saying anything and not moving. She closes her eyes and starts shaking slightly. I give a soft sigh and set her back down in the chair. "You're too damn cute for me to hurt," I mumble to myself so that she doesn't hear. She slowly opens her eyes and looks at me. I give a small huff and walk out of the control room.

I walk down the corridor to my room. I then walk in and sit in front of the window looking out to the stars. As I look out of he window, I think to myself. 'What has gotten into me... I can't be falling for that damn nerd. This can't really be happening...' I sigh and lie down next to the window, closing my eyes as I once again drift into what the humans call sleep.

Peridot's P.O.V

I watch as Jasper walks out of the room, feeling confused and concerned. 'She's really changed... She isn't hurting me. And what does she keep saying under her breathe?' I take a breathe and decide to focus on the stars outside the window. 'Just don't pay attention to her. I bet she's just messing with me. Trying to catch me off guard... But maybe she has changed...' I give a sigh and cross my arms. "This is a long trip..."

(By the way, guys, I'm trying to think of ideas for my next story. If you have any, put them in the comments. I love hearing from you guys! Thanks! =^•w•^= )

Go to Earth they said, it'll be easy they said.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя