Day 2: The Annoyance

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Jasper's P.O.V

I wake up a few hours later to the sound of somebody singing down the hall. 'Great, that brat Lazuli is singing again. Better go shut her up.' I think to myself as I get off of the floor. Walking to the door, it automatically slides open and I start walking down the hall.

I follow the singing until I get to the little blue gems cell. When I get there I slam my fist on the wall next to the yellow forcefield keeping her inside. "Stop singing, brat," I yell at her. She immediately stops singing, staring at me with wide eyes. "Nobody wants to hear you sing. In fact it's just annoying." She gives a small nod as I glare down at her. I walk off, mumbling curses and indecencies  as I do.

"Why can't you just let me go...? I've done nothing wrong," Lapis says as I walk off. I stop and look into her cell at her. She was looking down, short blue hair coving her eyes. Her knees are pulled to her chest and she's hugging them tightly. "Please... Just let me go..."

"You know we can't do that. If we do, you'll escape in the escape pods and go to those damned Crystal Gems. And on top of that, we won't have anybody to use for information. So, no. We aren't letting you out. Just suck it up and shut it. I don't want to hear you." I walk off again, going to the control room to where Peridot is.

I walk in and see her sitting at the control panel, flying the ship to our destination. I walk over, stopping next to her. She doesn't look at me, but knows I'm there. Her voice is laced with annoyance and slight hatred, "What do you need, Jasper? I'm flying the ship and I don't need you to interfere with that."

I roll my eyes and speak with with resentment. "I just came to check how far away we are. You don't need to be such a clod." I see her flinch as I speak. She gives a sigh and looks at me, giving a slight glare as she does.

"Listen, we have a long while until we get there. Our journey will end in three weeks, that's when we reach Earth. So, leave me alone so I may steer the ship." She turns back to the ship and continues steering. I give her a frown and pull up a space-age swivel chair next to her.

"I have nothing else to do. I'm bored. Just put the ship on auto-pilot."

"I'm not going to be able to be your entertainer. Just leave me the hell alone."

"Ugh, why did I agree to come on this trip..?"

"You didn't. Yellow Diamond told you to, you didn't have a choice. Believe me, if I had a say in who could come, I sure as shit wouldn't have chosen you." I give a low growl. "Don't you dare growl at me."

"You can't tell me what to do. You aren't in control. I'm the superior here. Don't ever tell me what to do again." I stand up and walk out of the room.

Peridot's P.O.V

I watch Jasper as she walks out, rolling my eyes as the door closes behind her. 'She is so INFURIATING! I wish she never came on this damned mission! She's just an escort anyway.' I think to myself as I continue flying the ship. I feel myself glaring while I look at the screen of the open space in front of the ship. 'And to think I thought she could get better as time went on. Tch... Yeah right. She'll always just be a brute. Remember, Peridot. She's just an escort.'

I give a soft sigh and put the ship in auto-pilot, leaning back in my chair and closing my eyes. I open my eyes slightly and look at the screen again. "This is a long trip... And I'm stuck here with the annoyance... Great."

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