Chapter Thirty-Five

Start from the beginning

“Maybe it will, maybe it won't. The fact still remains that I'm going to help her. She needs my help, Ash. Even if she pushes me away afterwards, at least I'll have helped her to have a better life. You know she can't carry on the way she is.”

“I know. I just worry about you. I can see it's taking its toll on you. You're different now. You're so serious all the time. You don't joke about things the way you used to...”

He's right, but how can I explain this without revealing too much. “I know, I just don't think the way we used to joke is quite as funny any more. My perspective has changed somewhat. Things with Dani have made me realize that our jokes aren't very tasteful. I'm not saying you guys can't joke about the way you do; that's completely up to you. I just can't be the same way any more. I've changed, I've matured...”

He looks at me, like he's figuring something out. Instead of saying what conclusion he's come to, he just nods and says, “You've got old, you mean?”

I chuckle. That's the Ash I know. The sarcastic guy who makes everyone laugh. “Yeah, if you want to call me old, then I've got old. Just remember you're only a few months younger than me...”

“Still a few months grandpa.”

I shake my head at him; Ash is certainly an odd guy.

The journey to my parents' is filled with light banter and comments about the baseball and the NFL training camps. We don't bother to knock when we arrive, I just open the door and walk in. Ash steps over the threshold and yells, “Yo, Momma C! Your favorite son is here!”

I smile and shake my head at the crazy guy who is my best friend. My ma immediately pops her head out of the kitchen door and then rushes toward us. She gives Ash a tight hug and then embraces me. “Ash, it's been too long. How are you, son?”

I mumble, “Geez, just steal my ma why don't you?”

“Behave, Elijah. I just saw you the other day. Don't be jealous.”

“Yeah, Elijah, don't be jealous because your mom loves me more.”

“Ashton, don't start trouble. You know I love you both the same.”

“Thanks ma, I'm only your genetic son, nothing important, huh?”

“Oh hush. Come talk to me Ash... Just don't steal the food.”

Ash shoots my ma a sheepish grin, knowing she's figured out his game plan for talking to her in the kitchen. I laugh at the exchange between the two of them, realizing just how much I've missed this. I search for my dad and find him setting the table.

“Hey dad.”

“Hey Eli, how's it going?”

“Good. You need a hand with that?”

“Yeah, you want to dig out the sharp knives? Your ma did steak.”

I go to the cutlery drawer and get out the sharp knives as my dad asks, “How's Dani?”

“Ok, she's working from home today?”

“Does she ever stop working?”

“Yeah, she does. She just finds it difficult to do nothing.”

“Her mind is too active, huh?”

“Yeah. She reads binary, dad.”

He chuckles and I don't quite know why, so I question, “What?”

“Only you could think that's cool. Don't get me wrong, it's definitely a talent, but not really a topic of conversation.”

“Sorry, I just found out this morning. I'm just amazed by it. It's not really something you find out about people.”

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