"I bet you $1,000 you can't that girl." Christopher smirked.

"You're on" I smirked but don't tryna take her alright? She's mine. Like I said, Brian Evans always gets the girl."

I walked down the hallways and spotted her in the crowds.

"Hey." I smiled

Once she turned around, I looked into those brown eyes.

"Umm.. Hi" she smiled back.

"That smile always lighten up my days." I tried to be romantic.

"Um. Okay" she smiled "do you know where is Principal Peters?"

"Why? Why are you looking for that old blonde, big belly guy? I asked.

As I waited for her answer the bell rang.

"Shit! Late for biology" I said.

Until I saw her running.

"Wait!" I yelled running after her until she stopped in front of Principal P.

"Shit!" I whispered

"Mister Brian Evans, May I ask you why you're late?" Principal P asked.

Umm.." I looked at the new girl. "I was umm.. Leading this girl to your office. Right?" I looked at her and waited for her response.

"Yeah, Thanks Brian." She answered. " He's a really nice boy, DAD."

"Dad!?" I was shocked.

Shit, Shit, Brian why?

"Hm. DAD" she respond.

"Well, thank you Mister Evans for a good help to my daughter, Katrina" Principal P smiled "I'll sent a email to Mr. Curtis."

"Thanks, Brian." Katrina smiled

I smiled and nodded. As I walk to class.

Christopher owns me big time. What? That's Principal Peters daughter? She doesn't look like him. Her brownish black hair, her tan or natural skin color, and her dark brown eyes. Why? Why Brian do you have to be such an ass? But wait, I'm not done yet, its just the beginning. I smirked.

Katrina Peters, my next target.

Katrina's POV.
My father and I walked to his office. It was a big office. Awards were hanging around the white walls. His desk was well arranged and a picture of me at age of 5 and mom. I smiled

"Okay, princess" My dad said joyfully. "Your next class is Biology. Mr. Curtis. Come princess let's go to class."

I smiled and nodded my head.

We finally reached to biology class. Dad got inside class and i waited outside.

"Katrina!" Dad yelled.

As I got in class, everyone's eyes was on me. I felt a like everyone's eyes were like knifes cutting deep through my skin.

*Gulp* "katrina just breath. It just like first day of school. JUST BREATH" I told myself.

Target: Island GirlWhere stories live. Discover now