"Brother!" Al yelled again, crawling more desperately now.

The pieces of metal clattered across the went pavement as Scar threw Edward onto the streets. "Now you can't you can't use your alchemy," Scar smirked in triumph.

"You jerk!" I screamed, struggling to get up from my spot. Once I did, with shaking legs, I ran up to Scar and clapped my hands, preparing to take the ground underneath him so I can grab Edward and Alphonse and run.

Scar stopped my attack by grabbing my left arm. "You're also a nuisance as well," he grumbled, alchemic sparks flying. Instead of blowing my arm to bits like he did with Edward's, a loud ring of echoing metal was heard as I gripped my left arm in pain as I fell back down. But, the pain subsided as if it was numbed. What...what happened to my arm?! I thought.

Edward attempted to crawl away but he ended up falling on his face. Scar looked over on top of him. "I'll give you a moment to pray to God," he said mercifully.

"Brother, run! Brother!" Alphonse cried, falling down and crumbling some more from the dragging of his hallow armored body across wet pavement.

"Unfortunately, I don't have a God to pray to," Edward stated. "Are you just after me? Or are you planning to kill my brother Al and my best friend Evelyn also?"

"If they interfere, then I'll eliminate them also," he replied. "However, Fullmetal Alchemist, you are the only one right now who will be receiving judgement."

"Oh yeah? Then promise me this; don't hurt my brother or my friend!"

"I will keep that promise then. However, Evelyn will be eliminated once you are finished."

"Brother...what do you mean?" Al sputtered. "Brother...what are you doing?"

"I said both Evelyn and Al!" Edward yelled in defiance.

"If I'm correct, Evelyn...Evelyn Joyce is the Clockwork Alchemist," Scar recalled. "So, once I'm done with you, Evelyn is next."

"Evelyn!" Alphonse begged me, snapping me out of my numbing trance. "Save yourself! Run!"

I struggled to get up but fell back down. It was like back when I only had one arm again. Leaning on my right arm, I watched as Scar was about to blow Edward's brains inside out. "Stop...stop it...stop it you bastard!!!" Alphonse screeched, reaching out.

A gunshot shattered the excitement and caught all of our attention. We turned to see Colonel Mustang with a pistol in the air along with his team of soldiers beside him. "That's far enough!" He ordered. "You made quite a mess of things, Scar. I'll be taking you into custody under the offense of murdering a series of state alchemists."

"Alchemists are beings after the original form of matter," Scar replied, successfully catching Colonel's attention. He stood up above Edward. "In other words, an affront to God the creator of all. I bring judgement, acting as God's hand. If you choose to get in my way, I will eliminate you, as well."

"In that case," Colonel smirked cockily as he handed Lieutenant Hawkeye his pistol.

"Colonel Mustang!" She yelled.

"Mustang...the Flame Alchemist," Scar muttered as he approached the Colonel, breaking out into a run.

"So you know who I am and still what I challenge me," Colonel continued to smirk. "Bad decision."

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