Story Two: Deep Trust Shallow Love Prt1

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Chapter One: Unexpected Reunion

Jake Largent

   "Look I already told you, I don't need a wolf." Jake said stubbornly as he glared at his friend, Carolina, as they sat at the table of their favorite diner having lunch as they always did. But today was different, Jake had just been hired at a large law firm and was getting a boat load of cash after his latest case; Carolina had just found out just how much that boat load was and decided for him that he needed a werewolf.

   "Come on, a man of your stature needs a wolf." Carolina offered up as she sipped at her strange smelling tea. They sat inside because it was a cold windy day; the TV behind the counter was broadcasting the usual propaganda about werewolves.

   "If you see a werewolf bite, report it, even family members." The narrator said in a cheery voice as a cartoon kid pointed to his cartoon grandmother who was trying to rip out of her old person clothes as she transformed into a werewolf with a group of police charging at her. The next image showed a fully transformed werewolf with its mouth gaping wide with sharp teeth biting into an arm of a surprised man, though Jake thought if he were being bit he'd look more shocked then mildly taken aback. The narrator commented, "Remember, the virus is in the saliva of all werewolves, if you're bitten head to the nearest FBW Care Center, where trained professionals will take good care of your medical needs."

   Jake frowned at that one. It was outdated information, after the whole thing with that guy Daniel Grey, leading the werewolf revolution. One good thing that came of that mess was that people everywhere now knew that only Alphas could change people, some people were only just finding out that Alpha, Betas and Omegas actually existed and werewolves were not all the same. Jake was one such enlightened person learning new things about werewolves everyday as Daniel Grey and his "Pack" as he called it broadcast more new information about werewolves every day. Carolina was not one of these people, she knew all along; this created a small riff in their friendship.

   The next few slides showed what the difference between a fully transformed werewolf and one only half transformed. The difference happened to be quite a lot, a fully transformed werewolf looked like human-wolf hybrids, standing and moving primarily on two legs and tall as all hell. The half transformed werewolf looked like an actual wolf, making it nearly impossible to tell if it actually was a werewolf, other than the human like intelligence.

   However the names for the two forms were technically incorrect, being that both forms are complete and there is no stopping mid-change, a fully transformed werewolf form can only be achieved if the wolf has fallen feral or one a full moon; some rumors circulate that a super pissed off werewolf can turn fully but it's only ever been rumors. Jake had heard once about a wolf that'd changed 'fully' in the Arena; driven by anger. But nobody could say who'd they'd heard it from just they swore it happened.

   Just then the screen glitched out and Daniel's insignia showed up, a sun nestled into a crescent moon. Then a mechanical voice started talking, "James Burton, Jennifer Wiles, Victor Finnegan..." The names continued each one accompanied by a picture and belonging to a FBW agent that was an undocumented werewolf. People in the café stopped and took notice however the broadcast glitched out again, the people running the station struggling to regain control. Someone turned up the volume as the names continued. Thirty were given out then repeated before the sun and moon linked together was show again and then the cheery man talking about reporting bites came on again and everyone went back to their own business.

   Jake picked up right off before the broadcast was hijacked. "No, I don't. I'd probably end up killing it anyway, I can't take care of a gold fish let alone a wolf; Besides, I wouldn't know what to do with one." Jake argued.

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