Momma Number Dos? |Chap.8|

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"You been giving my baby those back shots?" She asked. I almost choked on the air and started laughing. She laughed with me as well.

"Nah your daughter is still a virgin...but I have been giving her some action." I said. I felt so comfortable talking to her. She laughed and smiled.

"I can tell my baby smiling and glowing. I never seen her smile unless it was something about academics. But other than that never. I'm glad she got over that little boy Victor." I looked at her Victor? He was her ex. I know she told me he was a cheater but I couldn't imagine anybody cheating on Fawn with her beautiful ass.

"Victor...that's her ex?" I asked. Her mom nodded.

"He called her all types of names and got with his little skinny girl. She's pretty but has nothing on Fawn. It really killed her self esteem." Fawn mother pouted. I sighed. This all made so much sense now. Why Fawn always called herself fat and hated on herself. I wanted to kill all those mothafuckas that hurt her. Including her dead father. If I could I would bring his dead beat ass back alive to beat his ass back to death

Can't we have that arranged? Because I want to see him die.

My wolf spoke. I shook that thought out my head. She looked at me and smiled.

"But now she has you. She seems so happy. I know you guys are mates." She said non chalantly.

"You mean like-" I tried to clean up what she said. She shook her head.

"I know your a werewolf.Actually my past lover before my no good husband was an alpha. He was so sweet. He made good love to ya girl but he met his wife who is gorgeous but I understood that was his mate." She shrugged. Fawn came back.

"Here mom." She passed her mom a glass of iced tea and she sipped on it.

"Son." I heard my dad called. He walked into the room and looked at Fawn's mother.

"Rhonda Ann is that you?" He asked. She smiled flipping her hair. She got up. Fawn looked just as confused as I did.

"In the flesh Timothy Adam." She smiled. He hugged her and held her there for a while. I seen something in my dad's eyes that made me smile. I knew he loved my mom...but this was his first love. I could tell.

"You still look as good as you 30 years ago." My dad smirked checking her out. Like I said I see where Fawn got all of this beautifulness from. Her mom was sexy as hell for someone her age.

"And I see you turned into a sexy silver fox I see." She smirked. He chuckled and let go of her. He gave her a cheeky smile the smile that he only gives his mother and mom. Damn he did love Ms. Rhonda. My dad was gray all over.

"So Fawn is your daughter? It all makes sense now

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"So Fawn is your daughter? It all makes sense now. I see where she gets all those curves and that ass." My dad smirked. I growled at him grabbing Fawn in my arms. Ms. Rhonda blushed.

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