}~{Chapter Two}~{

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(Human kids' P.O.V )

<Day after the storm>

I wake up yawning and stretching. After putting my glasses on I pick up my phone and look at the time. It was three-o-clock on a Saturday. FIIIINAAALYYYYYY!!!

I get up and get dressed. Knowing it's summer and I live in Texas I should probably wear something that will keep me cooled off.

After brushing my hair and teeth I head downstairs.

"Morning Dad!" I greeted my Father.

"Good morning John. Did you have a good night's sleep?"

"Yeah. Hey Dad? Could I go over to my friend Jades' house after breakfast?"


I smiled widely showing off my buck teeth.

<Le Time Skip>

"Bye Dad! See you later!" I said waving.

"See you soon!" Dad yelled back to me going back inside to finish baking.

As I pass the beach I see someone trapped under some of the debris from last night's storm. I run over to help him

He is struggling a lot and it seems like he is bleeding.

"Are you okay!?" I say worried

"Yeah.. but I could use a little h- HOLY S***!" He said Sartled by me.

"What's wrong!? Are you hurting!?" I asked worried.

"Y-YOU'RE A HUMAN!" He yelled scared.

I then noticed a few weird things about him. He had webbed hands, gills, and fins for ears.... Holy jegus...

"YOU'RE A MERMAID!?" I yelled.

We both stared at eachother.

I then quickly run to Jade's house.

I pound on the door 'till someone answers.

The door opened to reveal Jade.

NEEDS HELP*Pant*NOW*Pant*" I said barely able to breath.

"Wha? John! Calm down! Breath!"

I take a deep breathe.

"Ifoundamermaidatthebeachanditwastrappedundersomeofthedebrisfromlastnightsstormanditneedshelp!!!" I say so fast I can barely understand myself. Somehow Jade can though.

"WHAT!?" She said gasping excited to help the mermaid

"Well let's go then!"

"Wait! We need extra help."

"Then let's get Rose! We can trust her! Right?"

"Yeah! Now let's go! If we don't help the poor mermaid soon it's gonna be found and experimented on!"

And with that we ran and got Rose and told her about the situation. We run to the beach to help the mermaid... or man... idk

"*gasp* you didn't tell me it was cute!" Jade squealed out.

She ran over to hug it and it squeaked.

"Uhhh.... what are you doing..?" It asked

"Hugging you! Duh!" She giggled

He was suprised by that. He tried moving around to face her but failed and yelped out of pain.

When he moved some of the wood moved away from his tail. it revealed a net that had many spikes and they were all digging into him.

I run over to remove the net but when he sees me running toward him he jumps and tries to get away even if he was in pain. I get to him and pull him away from the water.


"No! We need to help you!"

The mermaid/man just growled at me and sighed in defeat.

I pick him up bridal style and start walking home. Jade and Rose following not to far behind.

"Where are you taking me?"

"To my house. Now hush little mermaid."

"...MerMAN. a mermaid is a female. I'm a male"

"Oh. Oops. Sorry merman."

"I have a name you know. It's Dave."

"Nice to meet you Dave. I'm John. And that's Jade and Rose."

"Hi Dave!"



"your tail is so pretty! Can I touch it?"

"Maybe when the net is off of it. For now, no."

"Aww. Your tale must hurt a lot!"

"Yeah... it does. I really hope the derp that's carrying me knows how to heal tails. If not I'm screwed."


The whole walk home Dave and Jade kept talking.

After a while of walking and listening to a lot of talking we finally made it to my house.

"We're here." I said opening the door. Luckily dad wasn't home.


"Woah! Calm down Jade! I know you're excited to help Dave, but you need to stay calm!"

"Oops. Hehe. Sorry."

We all enter the house and we all go up to my room.

I then set Dave on my bed laying him down.

"This may hurt a bit..."

I start gently removing the net and Jade helps. Each time a spike was pulled out Dave would slightly hiss.

After a few painful moments we got the net off.

"There.all done." I said brushing off his tail

"I'm suprised you're not bleeding! :o"

"I am... Curse my crimson red tale!!!"

I then get some bandages out and wrap it around his tale.

"What is that? The thing you're wrapping around my tale??"

"A bandage."

"What's a bandage?"

"Something humans use to cover up wounds."

"Oh. Like seaweed?"

"I guess if that's what you use underwater... then yes. Yes it is."


"So what's it like being a mermai- I mean man?"

"Cool I guess. I get to swim all day, I can breath underwater unlike you humans, and... I'm not gonna say the last part because it's something my brother likes way to much...."


I smiled.

After a few hours of talking and asking questions we heard the front door open.

"John! I'm home! Come help me with the groceries!"

"Coming dad!" i then whisper 'Hide Dave' to Jade and Rose

I go downstairs and help Dad with the groceries.

After helping dad with the groceries I head back up to my room.

Me, Rose, Jade, and Dave whisper to eachother 'till we all get tired. Today was certainly an interesting day.

Forbidden Love ~{Johndave & Dirkjake}~Where stories live. Discover now