15. Forgiveness

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Kieran sat on the couch next to Mikayla. The glass of water he held was still full since Egan gave it to him twenty minutes ago. I stood with Egan, watching from afar and not saying anything. 

"Kieran," Egan spoke. "You should know. The detective looking into things will probably give you a call soon."  

Kieran nodded. The door opened and he looked up.  

Andy walked in closely followed by Brenden. Kieran didn't seem to have the energy to talk. Brenden circled Andy and slowly approached Kieran. He hugged him. Kieran hesitantly hugged back. The hug was broken when Benji bolted through the door and leapt onto the couch, licking Kieran. Kieran laughed and pet the puppy. "Who's this?" he asked. 

"This is Benji," Brenden introduced. 

Kieran looked up at Brenden. "When did you get a dog?" 

"Yesterday," Brenden replied with a smile.  

Kieran raised his eyebrows. "And you didn't have him on a leash on the way here?" 

"He won't leave Brenden alone," Andy answered. "He doesn't even like being in a different room." 

Mikayla turned to Andy. "He's a good guard dog." 

Brenden smiled and nodded. "Are you okay?" he asked, turning back to Kieran. 

Kieran looked down at his glass. "I'll be okay," he muttered. 

Brenden bobbed his head.  

"What I want to know is what actually happened," Kieran said. 

"It was suicide, Kieran," Samuel told him. "That's what the Detective will conclude, anyway. It'll be put down to depression caused by a violent relationship. I'm sorry." 

"I just don't understand how anyone could..." Kieran shifted back on the couch. 

Mikayla smiled sadly. "I've spent half my life trying to work that out Kieran." 

"You guys fight demons and things, right?" 

"Yes," Mikayla confirmed. 

"So, do you know what happens after we die?" 

"Each of us has different beliefs, Kieran," Mikayla answered. "None of us really know for sure." 

"Well, what do you think?" Kieran asked. 

Mikayla shrugged. "I believe in reincarnation, Egan believes in Heaven and Hell." 

"Suicide's not really good for either of those, is it?" 

"That also depends on your beliefs." 

Kieran sighed. 

"Kieran, in the end it's what you believe in that matters. Not what anyone else believes or tells you to believe." 

Kieran nodded. "I think I owe all of you an apology. I told you guys you were insane and then you turned around and probably saved my life. I mean, if you hadn't been there I would've had to face that thing alone with Ashleigh. Knowing me I wouldn't admit it was anything unnatural and gotten myself killed. 

"Did any of you actually take anything I said to heart?" 

"Brenden wasn't too good with it," Mikayla answered. "But the rest of us were okay." 

"Really? You know I made up everything I said, right?" 

Brenden grimaced. "Doesn't make it any less true." 

Kieran's mouth dropped, "You... are you actually..." 

"Yes, I have a thing for Andy." 

"See Kieran, I have sex appeal for gay guys," Andy grinned. 

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