AN // Happy Birthday Markiplier

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the following is a post i have posted on my Markiplier fanpage (@ fangirlplier)
you have the the complete right to skip this chapter and read the next.
I just thought why not keep this up here bc it's my choice to do so. Anyways, see ya in the next chapter. also this paragraph is to the video he posted today (The Markiplier Quiz #2) when he completed the quiz and started rambling like he does.

this big bubble blowing baby is just the most sweetest, humble man alive. it took me a few times to cry tbh
he is this precious gem that we all found and will keep by my side and... he's just worth all of the love he gets!! Mark, I completely doubt it you're reading this but,,, I just wanted to say thank you for saving my ass so much back in 2014 and i... i just want to hug you Mark. I really do. I want to hang out and talk but it'll never happen because there's thousands and millions wishing the same thing.
I'd rather see others meet Mark than me meeting Mark. That might sound crazy to say but seeing others that probably were in a more terrible phase in life than me makes me happy, seeing those fans probably dealing with severe depression and meeting Mark, their savior, their hero, their friend. It's the best feeling because I am so grateful for those that have gotten the chance to meet Mark bc I know for the truth that this girl named Sarah will never meet their savior, Mark, even if she saves up for vidcon or pax east- while i have mild depression, severe anxiety and ADHD. he is just there for me as he is on my phone, and will always be. I'm very grateful that he saved me from my panic attacks that I've dealt with. Some of them lasted 6 hours and I would cry myself to sleep and overthink my life the next day. I'm grateful for this bean being here for me 😭💕💕
Happy birthday Mark. I hope you have a great day 💞💞

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