Talking to the One and Only

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We make our way to the gate and give the man our tickets. We go through the tunnel and I bring out my camera out to film me tapping the plane, to start my adventures to California. As I do so, I look over to Shay's family doing it also.

I keep repeating my seat in my head, A9. I find my seat and put my backpack under my seat. It was a window seat and I got a bit excited because it would be great for my montage I'm making.

"Shay do you have a quarter?" I say with a smile. Normally in his vlogs when he or his family are flying, he goes to the bathroom and puts a quarter in the ashtray compartment.

I don't exactly know what the purpose is but I know he kept saying it in the vlogs.

He gives out a chuckle. "I always do!" He says giving a kiss to Daxton, their baby. I can't believe that that baby has been on at least 10 flights and this is my first one ever.

I get my headphones out so I'm able to blast out music. I look out the window bored out of my mind!

I sense a presents about to sit in the aisle seat, too distracted from my music to look who it is. I felt a touch on my arm and I had to look over. I see Emmi looking at me with a huge grin on her face.

"I saw you were talking to my dad." She says, still with a smile. I plastered a smile on my face, not believing this is happening. I am talking to this queen like 7 year old that I adore!

"Yeah I was. I'm a fan of your family!" I say, not knowing what else to say. "That's nice." She says looking down at her swinging legs.

"I'm guessing you're going to Vidcon!" I say keeping the conversation going. "Yeah we are. Are you going to Vidcon?" She asked. I lost the smile that I had.

"No, I'm not. I'm visiting my grandparents that live there in California."

"Well, I hope you have a nice visit! Is it your first time on a plane?" Emmi asks. I just nod, tired of the noise that's around.

"Hope it's a nice ride for your first time." She says so kindly. "Thanks." She's literally an angel.


Just another hour and I will be in California. The place where I want to meet Rhett and Link but I know can't. I want to meet Rhett and Link so bad.

They legitimately changed my life! I was going through depression and anxiety and they helped me with their smiles and they made me smile and laugh and be my damn self!! I'm so happy that I found them like 6 years old! That was the best decision I've ever made!

I pull out my camera. Just so I can get the beautiful horizon of fluffy white clouds. I slowly bring the camera to Emmi, which is zonked out. My hands start to shake from my laughter. She had her mouth was wide opened. A little snore here and there.

As I look in the screen of my camera I see Shay and Colette being idiots that they are with Daxton. I literally laughed so hard because it was so funny! I think they were acting like that because my camera was out. Their family is always goofy when the camera is out.

The whole ride was nice. I got to talk to Avia and Gavin more and well Brock, he was in a deep sleep. I can't believe I live more than an hour ways to their house and we're talking like we've known each other forever!

The last fifteen minutes of the plane was great. Just rethinking of what just happened. I met the Shaytards and they are literally my second family! I talked to basically everyone in the family and had cute talks with David. He was in the middle, between Emmi and I.

I just can't wait to take a long walk around Los Angeles. If only I'm able to meet Rhett and Link...
Well hello everyone!
Hope you liked this chapter. I know it's shitty but there had to been a chapter! More exciting stuff is coming your way!

-Sarah <3

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