Too Much To Handle

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We are now heading to the convention center and I'm so pumped! It's about 8:30 and I'm still trying to wake up. At least I have some granola bars on hand if I'm hungry. I have my gopro on top of my head for my montage, still in progress. It popped into my head that I didn't tell Alexis that I'm here in California.

"Hey I'm here in Cali and guess where I am!" I texted to her hoping she's here. She immediately replied to me saying where. I texted her back saying I'm here at the Anaheim Convention Center. She thought I was joking. I took a picture of where I was. I am in front of the room where I'm supposed to be, to meet my heroes. She spazzed out on iMessage and I laughed so hard. I got in line still chuckling under my breath.

I look through my Instagram feed with Lindsay also looking at her phone. So social am I right?! Another group came into the line and another and another.

Still on my phone checking Rhett and Link's Twitter for updates, I overheard a few people talking by mistake. Talking about someone here famous in some fandom on Instagram. I don't know, I have a fanpage on Instagram, I have almost four thousand followers. At least more than half of the followers are legit active. I'd doubt they're talking about me. It wasn't exactly clear to hear.

I'm a bit glad we got in the line at a good time. It's now piling in and it's about time. Staying in line for almost an hour. I turned off my gopro to save battery. I didn't want it to waste. At least I have my other camera with me.

"Um, excuse me?" I heard. I ignored. "Excuse me." The person said tapping my shoulder. Now I know that was for me. I look up moving my long hair out of my face. "Yeah?"

It was some random person I didn't know. I'm questioning what she's going to say. As I looked at her facial expressions, it turned to curious to in awe. "OH MY GOSH! CORI!! Holy crap it's you!!" She was freaking out.

"How do you know my name?" I asked her questioning. "I follow you on Instagram! Your account is amazing!!" "Oh my Rhett and Link account?"

"Yeah duh!" She said. This is my first follower I've ever met and I wasn't expecting this reaction. Knowing myself I thought people would ignore me but she's the most sweetest follower ever! She said she followed from the start. I'm just wowed.

"Are you excited? To meet Rhett and Link!" She said.

"Oh my god I'm so ready! You know Alexis right? My internet friend?"

"Yea! Why?"

"Well she's here in the main land and she's coming to Vidcon!"

"No way shut up have you met her yet?!" She was getting excited.

"No not yet. She said she would be here at this time. I'm scared if she's not coming at this time."
I get emotional as usual.

"Hey it's okay." She gives me a side hug. "Thanks."

"By the way can we take a quick selfie?" She asks so sweetly.

"Yeah of course!" We take the photo and now we head into the room.

The best part of coming early is that I can be in the front. Where my baes are like twenty feet away. It was a big room but it wasn't the auditorium. That would be way bigger than this. I think this is the room where they filmed one of their GMMs from like 2013.

As we sit down I'm in the front, Lindsay sits to my left and I'm holding onto the right seat for Alexis. I look everywhere for her. I'm just thankful for the people that were like 'oh okay' when I told them I'm holding a seat for someone. I have my gopro still on my forehead. I started recording it because I have the feeling she's coming. Just to be sure. You never know.

I got nervous. I needed to text her. "Where are you!?" I send it. Immediate response and she says she's around the corner. I'm just scared if they won't let her in. That it's too late. "Guys the panel will start soon." I jerk my head to who was talking and it's Stevie. "Hey can you start recording on this camera?" I ask Lindsay. "Sure!" She says with ease. I've received another text from Alexis. "I think I'm here." She said. I jump up looking in the back. Everyone was sitting down I couldn't tell for a second from everyone in the aisle. The door open... I see her.

It's really her. The room was half full and she was the last one. I sprinted to her. It all went into slow motion. Seeing her also running at me is the greatest feeling I've ever felt. The feeling of having butterflies for eternity and they finally escaped. I jumping into her arms in the middle of the room. We almost fall onto the ground but Alexis regained her balance. She was carrying me. I keep telling myself that this isn't real, this is a dream. But it isn't. It's the real deal. It felt like a million eyes were on both of us. Maybe just half of the audience were looking at us.

I dropped down not even breaking the embrace. This was the warmest feeling I've had since this morning. We wobbled a bit. I finally wanted to see her face. I let go seeing her dark brown eyes and her ginormous smile. Watching tears roll down on her cheeks.

"You're real." She says. It was the cutest thing I've ever seen. Her voice was the same from the Skype calls but not all static. "Yeah.. I'm real." I hear some aww's and it makes my heart flutter. "I got a seat for you." I say trying to calm myself down from the tears.

"Let's go." Alexis says. We kept a side hug going down to our seats. I hear conversations in the back. Saying this is a special moment for them. Yes indeed it is.

We make it to our seats with Lindsay behind us. Screams have started. I looked in front of myself to see my saviors.

"This is too much to handle."


THE TIME HAS COME FOR ME TO POST A CHAPTER!! *angels fall from the sky. they give me a blessing* please vote, comment, share. Do whatever you want! I just hope you liked this chapter!!❤️❤️

- Sarah

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