The teacher then said something about a physical exam or something like that, and to get changed into your PE (Physical Education) clothes. You walked out of the classroom, PE clothes in hand, head hung low, as a brown haired girl about the same height as you walked over. "Hi there! My name is Ochako Uraraka! What is your name?" She asked very enthusiastically as you made your way over to the changing room.

"Y/N. Y/N L/N. Nice to meet you." You stated blandly. She then started to talk to another one of your classmates as everyone changed. When you were done, you shivered. 'Why is it cold?' You thought to yourself as you walked out of the changing room, to be hit by a blast of wind that chilled your spine.

You rubbed your hands together, as your knees trembled. You began walking to the area the teacher said for you all to meet. You saw Izuku already there, seeming full of nervousness. You walked next to him, and then stopped, looking ahead. You saw a baseball and a marked off area. This would be like school physical tests then. You sighed dejectedly, another shiver sending your remaining warmth away.

"Y/N, are you okay? You are shivering." Izuku inquired as you shivered again. "Summer just ended, how are you cold?' He stated to himself, as he started mumbling about something or another. The teacher then walked to where all of the students where, and started explaining rules or something. He called Katsuki up to do an example of the ball throw with his quirk, and it went super far, you couldn't even see it. There was a small wave of warmth from the explosion, but it disappeared as quickly as it came.

The teacher continued to explain, and then a student piped up about something. You weren't really paying attention, since all you could think about was how cold it was to you. It was like something was going on with your nervous system causing you to freeze in 89 degree weather. Then the class started doing all of the exams, as you joined in.

Then it was the baseball throw. It was your turn, so you walked up to the baseball, and picked it up, a shiver again going up your spine. You could hear your heartbeat in your ears. For all of the other tests you had used your quirk, making it so you would not be in last at the end of the day. You looked at the ball, and heard a cry of encouragement from your close friend, Izuku. The burns on your body seemed to be the only source of heat, but it felt like lava against ice.

"Go on Y/N" Aizawa said, as you got prepared to throw the ball. You took a step back, and then lunged forward, putting all the energy you had into the throw. You were not going to lose at this point, and it didn't matter if it felt like you were in antarctica. There was a shock wave from the throw as it flew into the air. Everyone behind you stumbled back from the wave of wind, but your body started to get heavy.

"1000!? HOW?!?!" One of your classmates screeched from behind you.

You opened your left eye. 'When did I close it?' You thought to yourself, as the ground seemed to be hurrying towards your body. You realized you were falling, but there was nothing you could do. Your mind drifted into darkness, a realm of no dreams, and just nothing. You could hear footsteps running towards you, and a cold hand on your side, trying to shake you back up.

"Y/N! ARE YOU OKAY?" A boy stammered. Someone continued to shake you, but you would not budge. You could hear your heartbeat calming down, and going back to a steady beat. You could not hear your heart anymore, but you could feel the steady beat in your chest and neck. Someone lifted you off of the ground, and warmth enveloped you. "Katsuki? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" The boy quaked again. It sounded like Izuku...

"Getting her away from you." The boy holding you stated. It sounded like... Katsuki? You then felt the boy carrying you walking away from the panic of the class, and you could feel your senses return to your body. Your eyes fluttered open, as you saw Katsuki carrying you like a bride, walking into the nurse's office. You looked up at him, as your dangling hand lifted itself to his face. You touched his cheek, as he turned to you, apparently in a mix of anger and worry.

"Ka-K-Kats-" You started, feeling the darkness taking over again. You swore he embraced you at that moment, holding you close as he walked to the bed, sitting with your head in his lap. At this moment, you were out cold, as Recovery Girl walked over to Katsuki, who was looking at you with worry and a scowl on his face.

"What happened to her?" Recovery girl asked him. He seemed to steam at the question, growling slightly at her, and then realizing if he moved too much he could hurt you more.

"I don't know, but all of the sudden she fainted in the middle of a Physical Exam test, after getting 1000 on a throw. Then she woke up as I was carrying her here, but fainted after." He said looking at you with pity. He then saw that the woman was doing nothing. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WAITING FOR! FIX HER!" He sneered at her, as she frowned intensely.

Authors notes

HEYO HEYOOOOO! Sorry for the short chapter, but my internet went out yesterday, so I wasn't able to edit or search anything for any of the facts about the stuff that happens, so sorry if it sucks.

Well, besides that, thank you all for being so positive about my work! It is awesome to know that you guys like it, and I really appreciate how you guys stand to read this terrible terribleness

I'm Just Your Problem//Katsuki Bakugou X Reader (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now