Chapter 2~Getting to know him

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Amari P.O.V

Okay, I have to admit, he is not that bad. He's different, that's what I like about him. Jacob and I have walked together to all of our classes. Now it was time for lunch. We got a 2hr lunch break. We could eat at school or go somewhere.
"Jacob, wanna go to chick-fa-la?" I ask him.
"YEESSSS PLEASEE" he said super excited.

We walked to the restaurant. We finished our food and still had 1hr and 30minutes left of free time. We decided to go to his house to get his charger.

He unlocked the door. We walked in. His house was very simple and nice. His mom was home. She was confused why we were here. We explained and everything was okay. I got a small tour of the house then it was time to head back to school.

Jacob's P.O.V

I actually really like this girl. She really sweet. I love it when she focuses on some thing for a long time. She bites her lip of tongue. I can't believe she has so many followers on social media. It's cool. I've always wanted to try some things out but I'm scared. I can't even imagine the hate she gets.

~ Back at school ~

Our last class was math.  The bell finally rung and it was time to go home. This was actually really fun. I hope we stay really good friends.

I'm sorry this is short. Should I update more???

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