Chapter 15 : Bad idea

Start from the beginning

While she adopted that strong and mature image, keeping the smile that suited her so much, he could see Juvia in another way, even surprising himself by appreciating it. Then she did one of the warmest smile noticing the wound wasn't bleeding anymore.

"Juvia thinks it will let a scar on the forehead of her beloved" she said in a sorry tone.

"It doesn't bother me" he answered smiling.

"Even on the beautiful face of Gray!" Exclaimed Juvia.

"As long as I can see my scars, it doesn't bother me. The worst ones are the one nobody can see."

His words seemed to hit Juvia straight to the heard as thin tears started to roll down her cheeks. How many of those invisible scars did she accumulated exactly?

"Don't cry" she tensed as soon as he saw her cry.

"Gray doesn't have to worry" she answered, wiping a new tear the was forming at the corner of her eye. "Juvia isn't sad. She simply is happy to be by Gray's side."

The young man stared at her a little more, then made that smile that only Juvia could extract out of him.

"Why is it that you love my presence so much?" he asked.

"It's because Gray always manage to chase the rain in Juvia's heart" said the later as if it was the simplest concept in the world.

On that last sentence, she couldn't help but hugging him, but not in her delusional or crazy usual way. She simply gently walked closer to him and wrapped her arms around him without Gray feeling the need to step away. On the contrary, warmth took over him as she made contact with his chest. Usually, heat was unpleasant for him, but now... it was comfortable, even enjoyable. He surprised himself by also circling the young woman's waist for a moment. He never really felt the need to be close to someone that way. He however knew that he would not necessarily be against the idea of doing it again if it was with her. Then he blushed.


More than a week passed by and, much to Gajeel and Juvia's satisfaction, each of them saw Levy and Gray surprise them more and more. Gajeel even allowed himself to hope Levy would have a chance against her opponents. He couldn't help but smile seeing her spending each day every bit of energy she had. Despite the fact the she always woke up with a phenomenal amount of achiness, she was ready every morning to train again with that determination he admired. He then saw her crumble on her bed, instantly falling asleep. Gajeel couldn't resist to look at the small form laying down, smiling in her sleep despite the situation they were in.

"Juvia hopes that Gajeel isn't too tough on Levy" said Juvia who just sat next to him, giving her friend a tenderized look.

The later instantly took his eyes off Levy, trying to act as if he wasn't watching her sleeping.

"As much as needed" he growled, looking back at the fire. "What about your pervert?" he added pointing Gray who just fell asleep seated on the other side of the fire, his head lying on his knees.

"Lets just say neither of them is used to the training we had" she said. "Does Gajeel remember when he fell asleep, his head right in his plate?" she recalled laughing.

"I was barely seven" he sulked remembering their firsts intensive trainings.

The young woman couldn't help but laughing a little more to his reaction.

"Gajeel?" she asked after a moment of silence.


"Juvia thinks a lot about Phantom those days."

"What about?"

"They are an important foe but Juvia wonders if it could be otherwise if they knew the king was an usurper."

"No way. Take off your airhead mode right now" he cut her out knowing where she was going at.

"Juvia really thinks that Phantom should be informed about it."

"And Gajeel" he started, mimicking her way of speaking "thinks it's a stupid idea".

"But what if we could make sure Phantom was behind Levy rather then against her? It could be worth it."

Gajeel stopped what he was about to say, Juvia having obviously hit a nerve, but finally kept his initial opinion.

"Phantom would never let us speak anyways. They'll just attack us as soon as we're in sight."

"That's why Juvia wrote a letter" she said. "The situation is detailed in it and Juvia only has to let it at the Phantom's base's door."

"That's stupid" he repeated even though he knew he couldn't make her stubborn friend change her mind.

He sighed after a moment of internal deliberation.

"I'll go" he let out against his will.

"No! It's Juvia's idea!"

"There is no way I'm letting you go there on your own and I need you to stay here to protect the shrimp while I'm gone."

Despite her concern for her friend, Juvia couldn't help but tenderly smile.

"Gajeel likes Levy a lot, doesn't he?" she said.

"Pffff. Mind your own business" he growled, stretching a little more Juvia's smile

If there was something Gajeel always did when he was emotionally concerned, it was sulking that way, thought Juvia. Then he stretched his hand and Juvia knew he was waiting for her to give him the letter, which she did.

"I'll leave before dawn. I should be gone for a day at most."

She nodded, hugging him as a sign of goodbye before going herself to bed. Gajeel did the same. As risked as could be this idea, it still could be worth it if Phantom could be off their back. After all, despite their strict code of conduct, never Phantom would tolerate to be laughed at by a false king for all those years. And that not considering all those human loss Phantom had suffered because of August. Also, he was only dropping off a letter. However, while Gajeel was falling asleep, he simply couldn't chase the feeling that this was a bad idea.

Really wanted to right a moment between Gajeel and Juvia for a moment now. Hope you liked it :D

Lily xx

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