I sang silently in my head and just let Andy's voice relax me. Black Veil Brides is one of my favorite bands they've helped me through so much. But Papa Roach is my all time favorite band and they also have helped me through some tough times. Music in general had helped me but my tormentors hate the music I listen to. Like there's is any better, they listen to rap and no I have nothing against rap but most of its all the same. Getting high/drunk, partying, having sex and killing a lot of it is pointless and meaningless. But there are some rappers who do have meaningful songs. But I'm a rock girl always have been and always will be. But I do like some other music like One Direction.  No, I'm not obsessed with them nor will I fan girl over them but they do have good music. As I continue to work Michael takes my notebook from me, I take my headphones out and shove it in my bag. 

I try to grab it but he hands it to Jason and he starts going through it. "Looks like she likes to draw but its a shame she sucks  at it." Jason says and rips a drawing of a willow tree I drew when I was 13. I can feel the lump in my throat and my eyes burn but I push past it. "Ew why would you draw this emo fag?" Jason asks ripping the picture of Andy Biersack. I get up and try to get my notebook but Michael grabs me and sits me down on his lap. I struggle to get out I don't want his nasty arms on me. Sadly Michael is way stronger than me so its useless to get out of his grip. I search for Mr.Richardson but he must have left without me noticing. "Awe looks like Mr.Richardson can't help you. That's too bad, isn't it?" He whispers in my ear and I cringe in fear which makes him smirk. "Oh what do we have here? Who is this guy?" Jason asks and I see the picture I drew of my dad before he passed away. I lunge myself at Jason but Michael holds me back. "This your dad? Well we already told you, he left 'cause he doesn't want a whore for a daughter. I'll do your dad a favor and get rid of this." Jason says as he rips it and throws the pieces in my face. Everyone starts laughing and Michael finally releases me and kicks me in the side. I fall to the ground and the tears escape and it makes everyone laugh even more.

"Awe is the baby gonna keep crying?" Jason says as he throws my notebook at me and spits on me. I try getting up but I feel pain on my lower back and realize Sarah is standing on my lower back. Did I mention she's wearing high heels? "You're such a stupid piece of trash. Why don't you do all us a favor and kill yourself?" she says with venom in her voice. I struggle to get up and Sarah kicks my side and then spits her gum on me. A couple of people look at me with pity and the others laugh or just pretend I'm invisible. They do nothing to help me not even Miranda, who was mine and Anthony's friend since first grade. But once I was bullied she ditched me and tried taking Anthony with her but he told her off. I see Miranda looking away with tears in her eyes, I don't understand why shes crying, shes the one who ditched me. I get up and immediately get punched in the face by Nick, one of Michael's friend. I bring my hand to my cheek and wince at the sudden pain. I take my seat just as Mr.Richardson comes in and tells the class to turn in there assignment. I grab my bag and take out my cover up and mirror and examine my cheek. Yup, just as I suspected, already bruised. What did I expect though, Nicks on the wrestling team and football team. To say he's strong is definitely an understatement, hopefully I can hide it so Anthony doesn't see it. I sigh and start to cover it up and wince every time I touch it. Once I'm finished I realize class is almost over, so I put everything away and examine my cheek one last time.

Ugh, Anthony is going to notice it and then he is going to find out who did it and kill them. 

                                                          *Ring Ring Ring*

I get up, toss my bag over my shoulder and walk towards the door. But sure enough I'm tripped, kicked spit on and pushed into the ground by Sarah, Michael, Jason and Nick. "Detention for all of you. Are you alright Skylie?" Mr.Richardson asks extending his hand to help me up. I nod my head and see Anthony running towards me. "Sky bear are you okay?" he asks grabbing my hands and making me look at him. I see his face turn from concern and worry to angry. Great, he's seen the bruise. "WHO THE HELL GAVE YOU THAT BRUISE? AND DON'T YOU DARE SAY NO ONE!" Anthony yells taking one of his hands and puts it on my chin and lifts it up to examine the bruise. "Nick." I whisper so only he can hear me. "Nick did this? I'm gonna kill him!" He yells and storms out of the room. CRAP! Mr.Richardson and I run after Anthony. We run down the hall and see Michael and all his friends but there is no sight of Nick or Anthony. That can't be good. All of a sudden I hear Anthony yell "NICK. YOU. ME. OUTSIDE. NOW." I follow his voice as Mr.Richardson goes to get more help. I see Anthony but he hasn't hit Nick yet, thank god. I rush over to him and pull him away from Nick.

"IF YOU EVER LAY YOUR FILTHILY HANDS ON HER EVER AGAIN, I SWEAR I'LL FREAKING BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF YOU!" Anthony yells and spits on Nick. Next thing I know, I'm being shoved to floor by Nick and falling on the ground. I smack my head hard on the ground and the last thing I see is Anthony knocking out Nick and asking me if I'm okay. 

Then everything goes black.

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