Playing Around

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Only minutes stood between them and sweet, alone playtime.

The bus stopped in front of Kazuki's house with a long squeak and release of air. Kazuki released the air in his lungs at the same time. And then noted that he almost released his bladder as well, but was relieved he didn't.

Keiffer grabbed his bag and Kazuki's arm, motivating him to move. They exited the bus and walked slowly towards Kazuki's house, because Kazuki was taking his sweet ol' time.

"Are you ok? Are you regretting asking me over?" Keiffer asked, looking Kazuki in the eyes.

"No, it's nothing like that. I'm just thinking about homework that's due tomorrow and whether or not I'm going to get it done. I think I will be otherwise preoccupied," Kazuki said huskily, returning Keiffer's glance with one that was burning with passion.

Satisfied with Kazuki's answer, Keiffer coaxed him to move faster by walking ahead of him so Kazuki could watch his booty bounce. It seemed to work because when Keiffer got too far away, Kazuki quickened his pace to be in range enough to see his bootay.

When they got to the door, Kazuki dug in his pocket and produced a key that he then used to unlock and open said door. As they entered, a beautiful Shiba dog ran yipping up to them.

"Hey, Kilala! How are you, girl?" Kazuki exclaimed, kneeling down to welcome the dog into his arms.

"Is she your only pet?" Keiffer asked, sounding jealous of the attention the dog was receiving from Kazuki.

"Yeah, she's a great dog and I've had her since I was seven," Kazuki announced proudly, scratching behind her ear. He finished by kissing her on her nose and having it be reciprocated in the form of a pink tongue on his lips.

"Eughhh!" Keiffer exclaimed, shivering.

"Hey, dogs have cleaner mouths than humans," Kazuki informed, but wiped his mouth with his hand anyway.

"But you still kiss me," Keiffer reminded him.

"Because you're delicious!" Kazuki whispered, tracing his fingers down Keiffer's chest.

"Oh, really? Well I know someone who's just as tasty, if not more," Keiffer responded breathily.

"But have you even really tasted him?" Kazuki questioned huskily.

"Oh, thanks for reminding me," Keiffer purred back.

Keiffer grabbed Kazuki's left arm with his right hand, pulling him into an embrace. Kilala barked and barreled into the middle of them, making sure Kazuki was safe. The dog had briefly separated the couple, but seeing the problem, Kazuki gently took Keiffer's hand. He led Keiffer to his room, dropped their backpacks near the entrance, and apologized to Kilala as he shut the door before she came in.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know she'd act like that. I guess she was just trying to protect her master!" Kazuki chuckled softly.

Keiffer only looked at Kazuki, a calm and endearing expression on his face. He didn't feel the need to say words; the emotion and lust he felt for Kazuki was on his face and readable like an open book.

Kazuki was finally hit with the fact that he was alone with another boy, and that they were both extremely attracted to each other. The nervousness that he had neglected to feel sooner hit him with a rushing intensity. It was elevated when Keiffer reached slowly behind him to dim the lights.

Taking Kazuki's face in his hands, Keiffer calmly stated, "I feel a peace with you. One I've never felt with anyone else, and I also feel more attracted to you than I have ever been to others. I really feel that this was supposed to happen; that we were destined to meet. I know it sounds corny, but I want this to last. I can feel you shaking under my hands," he pauses.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2017 ⏰

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