Out of the Closet and Towards the Bedroom

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"Housekeeping!" said an overly cheerful voice from the other side of the closet door.

Keiffer and Kazuki looked at each other like deer in headlights.

They both quickly zipped up their pants and returned their shirts to their bodies.

Kazuki reached to open the door, but before he could, Keiffer quickly fixed his slightly-erotic, messed up hair.

"Thanks," he whispered graciously, thinking how bad it would've looked.

Making sure they were presentable, Kazuki held a deep breath and then released it.

And then giggled when he realized that they'd almost released.

Keiffer put his hand on Kazuki's shoulder to tell him that he would open the door. He reached forward, grabbed the handle, unlocked the door, and opened it slowly.

It swung open to the face from their dreams.


Sensei Haruma stood there, looking from Keiffer's to Kazuki's face. They were surprised to see that he was surprised.

"I was expecting a couple to be necking in there. Why were you two in there?" asked the confused sensei.

"Because we were a couple having oral in there," Kazuki thought, still in his sassy mood. He ended up actually saying, "We were looking for the janitor because Keiffer had something he needed taken care of,"

Keiffer nodded his head after hearing Kazuki's lie, still wishing he'd been able to fully taste Kazuki's "delicacy".

"So why was the door locked?" Sensei Haruma asked, honestly not insinuating anything.

"Shit," Kazuki swore, "You caught us," he confessed.

Keiffer's blood went cold. His face lost all color and his lungs pushed out all the air in them.

"We were going to take some confiscated spray paint and graffiti a happy birthday sign to Sensei Maeve. We heard she was from Detroit," Kazuki forlornly looked down, acting ashamed.

Keiffer almost whooped with joy. Instead he played the part and continued looking like someone caught in the act.

"Oh, the new English teacher from America? I thought her birthday was in five days," Sensei Haruma said, buying their lie.

"We were going to get it ahead of time and plan out when to do it," Kazuki kept spinning the fib.

"I'm sorry, but you should know, as good of a student that you are, that vandalism is not tolerated here and neither is stealing," Sensei Haruma scolded.

They then went on telling a story that they weren't going to spray paint the actual wall, just paper they were going to cover the wall with. Sensei Haruma let them off with a warning, and told them to hurry up and get back to class because lunch was going to be over soon.

As they went down the deserted hall, Keiffer grabbed the collar of Kazuki's shirt and pulled his ear close to his mouth. "That was great back there, but the only thing I'm painting the walls with is you when I make you cum," he whispered seductively, his voice penetrating (lol) his mind and jerking off his brain.


They both went to class and suffered through it, but were able to pass notes written in a code they made up to agree they were going to go home together to Kazuki's house. Kazuki's parents worked late at a host club preparing meals and playing fancy-ass music. Keiffer said his dad may or may not be at home, depending on if his dad had a girlfriend a the moment.

The day ended after music class that was full of secret sexual snippets that were played off to the side to each other.

They both timed themselves so they would arrive at the bus around the same time. But upon entering the bus, Saki grabbed Keiffer's hand and pulled him towards her. "Sit in the back with me," she playfully laughed, winking at him.

"Woah, who said he belonged to you and that you can just take him wherever you damn well please?" Sassy Kazuki was back.

Surprised at Kazuki's change in character, Saki dropped Keiffer's hand and stared at Kazuki.

"Bitch, you need to back off, he's got a ho back home," he snapped, acting extremely gay.

"What did you call me?!" An enraged Saki glared at Kazuki.

Keiffer put his hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry, but I'm just not that into you," he said in English.

"Wha-was that an insult?" Saki feigned hurt, slapped Keiffer's hand off and huffed to the back of the bus where her clique gathered around to bask in her crocodile tears.

"Nice going," Kazuki nudged Keiffer after they got a seat in the middle.

"I should be saying that to you! Without your fast thinking she'd probably be humping me in the back with her nasty body. Euchh!" Keiffer whispered, shivering, but not from cold.

"Ever since I met you I feel more confident... I don't know how to explain it though," Kazuki confessed, realizing it for the first time himself.

Keiffer felt touched, and because of that, he was now horny again. He got turned on by romantic actions.

"And anyway, I'm the only one who can hump you," whispered Sassy Pants Kazuki.

Keiffer got even more turned on, if that was possible.

The bus hit bumps and potholes in the road on its way to houses, one of which was Kazuki's. The horny teenage boys were jostled around together in their seat that was vibrating from the impacts, getting them up and ready for "playtime" at home.

Although Kazuki was acting all sassy and sexual, he was promising himself he wouldn't go all the way just yet. He was still anxious to see how far Keiffer wanted to go, though, so he planned to take him to his room and explain he didn't want to do it yet if the topic came up (like their dicks ;D).

Keiffer gave him a sultry smile, oblivious to Kazuki's thoughts. Kazuki nervously looked out the window, realizing that Keiffer had smiled like that because their stop was after the next.

Only minutes stood between them and sweet, alone playtime.


Sorry it took so long to update! I had finished it but it wouldn't upload and then part of it disappeared, so if it seems hurried it's because I didn't take time to rewrite what I'd previously had. Sorry! And don't worry, next chapter will involve some nice, hot, juicy scenes to make it up to you! They might even include some cool toys for their playtime...;) <3

Number One (Yaoi)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن