The Strange Encounter

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  • Dedicated to All the Rabid Yaoi Fans

I'm trying to get all of this typed up, I have 4 chapters already written out though.

The setting is in Japan, so there will be some Japanese. 


Chapter 1

Kazuki looked glassy-eyed out the frosty bus window. Girls are so annoying!! He thought for the millionth time that morning. Sighing, he positioned his head on his hand. "All they do is cheat on you, go lesbian, and embarrass the hell out of you. How is a guy supposed to keep his pride?!"

Unfocused, he looked around, and realized another guy was staring straightly at him. Or was it gaily? He couldn't tell. Eyes are strange-ass creatures. Shocked, he then realized he'd said his earlier thought out loud.

Embarrassed, he blushed and looked back to the window. The sky was a mixture of blue and orange, with small wisps of clouds here and there. Movement caught his eyes, and he was looking at the strangest human he'd ever seen. Immediately, he realized the man was American, and he had a long nose and somewhat-tanned skin. The magnificent creature boarded the bus, and glanced in Kazuki's direction. With a reflex-like move, Kazuki snapped his head away. Although he couldn't see it happen, Kazuki knew the tanned American was coming his way. 

"Is this seat taken?" asked American Hottie, referencing the space next to Kazuki.

"No, sit down if want to," Kazuki replied in the best English he could muster. 

"My name is Keiffer," announced Keiffer, trying to make conversation. 

"Konnichiwa, Keiffer-san. Nihongo wo hanashite kudasai? Eto, speak Japanese please?" asked Kazuki in a submissive cower in the corner. 

"Ah, sorry... I mean, gomenasai," replied Keiffer in a perfect Japanese accent. 

*They are both now talking in Japanese*

"Wow, your Japanese is amazing!" Kazuki exclaimed, surprised. 

"I grew up in America, but I'm part Japanese, so my parents taught me it," Keiffer explained.

Wow, he's so cool, calm, and collected! Kazuki thought, enraptured by Keiffer's personality thus far. He suddenly had the strange urge to grab Keiffer's hand with its strange tan and kiss it. Ignoring his strange urges, he kept to himself, and the rest of the bus trip was in silence.

Unloading from the bus, Keiffer followed Kazuki, saying it was because he was new and didn't know where to go. Kazuki was embarrassed by this, but revealed none of it.

"Wow, this school is more different than I imagined it would be," Keiffer announced randomly.

Turning back, Kazuki looked Keiffer in the face. That moment, he knew he was different. That very moment, he knew he could never go back to dating girls- no, he wouldn't have to date them again. He was g...

BBRRRRIIIIIIINNGGG! The final bell revealed they were supposed to be in class. He realized he'd been staring at Keiffer for so long that he hadn't noticed no one else was around. The odd thing was that Keiffer hadn't said anything about being late or embarrassed that Kazuki was staring stupidly up at him. In fact, he seemed to be getting closer.

"You seem to be thinking about something interesting...." Keiffer drawled seductively.

"N-nothing important, r-really," Kazuki stuttered back weakly.

They were now only inches apart from closing the gap between their lips. Kazuki understood this and tried to think up a quick way out. He didn't want to be g...

"Wow, I didn't know class was this early, I could have sworn it was later!" Kazuki laughed nervously, turning away and walking there too.

A long stretch of sexy muscular arm was instintaneously in his way, the hand that was attached to it slammed into a nearby locker. 

"Just where do you think you're going?" The seductive voice was back. 

"Class....?" guessed Kazuki.

A warm breath trickled down Kazuki's neck and into his shirt. Goosebumps pricked his limbs simultaneously. The arm, formerly blocking Kazuki's way, was now wrapped around his body and grabbing the back of his shirt loosely and suggestively, as was its twin.

"No one can see us. We can do whatever we want," soothed Keiffer, pressing Kazuki against the locker with his arms still keeping Kazuki captive.

"Really, I need to get to class...." tried Kazuki, but his breath was taken away by a soft, gentle kiss from Keiffer.

Struggling was a lost cause. Kazuki's muscles were now mush from the strategic kiss from Keiffer. He was now food for the predator.

Closing his eyes, Kazuki took it, unknowingly enjoying the action as it became more forcefull and rough. The hands began massaging and groping his back, egging them both on. Finally they both stopped to take a breath, and realized what the hell happened. Kazuki was surprised when Keiffer turned red and quickly stepped back, releasing him. 

"I-I'm so sorry, I don't know what got over me..." Keiffer apologized breathlessly.

"It-it happens..." Kazuki tried to undermine it.

Kazuki stepped away from the locker he had been leaning on and went closer to Keiffer.

"Do you.... regret it though?" he asked tentively.

"Not... really. It...was sort of.... well, it was good." Keiffer replied truthfully.

"Wanna... do it again?" Kazuki asked, trying to sound nonchalant.

No sooner had the words left his mouth Keiffer's was on it, practically eating the words. This time it got faster and more exciting as Keiffer's hands traveled under Kazuki's shirt mid-kiss. Roaming the unknown, they caressed the plain that was Kazuki's back, returning to their owner only after the kiss was over.

When they pulled away this time, there were no regrets or think-overs. There was only lust to continue.

"Kazuki? Why aren't you in class? And... Keiffer? Is that really you?" A random teacher patrolling the hallways had found them. Apparently the teacher, Sensei Haruma, had had Keiffer in his class five years ago when Keiffer was able to live in Japan for a year and Sensei Haruma had taught the lower grade. 

"Ha, that's a big coincidence," laughed Kazuki, trying not to betray the embarrassment of almost being caught in a lip-lock with a fellow guy, who happned to be a complete stranger.

"So what are you two doing here? Did you know each other when Keiffer came here five years ago?" asked Sensei Haruma.

Unable to explain the truth, they both said they had known each other and were catching up from so many years apart. 

When having to go separate ways to their individual classes, Keiffer's eyes betrayed the annoyance of being interrupted. They also said This wil be continued.


How did you like it? Please comment so I can improve the quality of the story and writing!

Should I continue?

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