Two Night Stand (pt 1)

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"I can't believe I let that asshole dump me!" Allison covered her face with her hands as she kicked through the enormous pile of clothes infesting the floor of her best friend Lydia's bedroom, "Fucking prick!"

"Chill Ally" Lydia tried to calm her fuming roommate but all her attempts seemed to be failing so far, "It's not like Isaac broke your heart or anything"

"Exactly!" Allison sat on the floor and groaned, "He was hot, good for him! But he dumped me and made me look like an idiot! It sucks"

"I know, but throwing out your clothes won't regain your pride or whatever" Lydia pointed out, earning a glare from the resentful brunette, "I say, we go out tonight, have some fun. It'll take your mind off Isaac"

"My mind isn't on Isaac. My mind is on what everyone will think. Being dumped at a stupid party in front of all my friends! And you know what Lyds?! Isaac is terrible in bed! Like all whiny and stuff! So what's the use in him?!" she seethed, grinding her teeth as she looked around and wiping her clammy hands on her sweatpants. Lydia watched her carefully, keeping her humorous thoughts to herself and mentally plotting a way to destroy Isaac for not only pissing off her best friend but lying when he said he was a 'freak in the sheets'. Lying about sex is a sin in itself in Lydia's mind, "But whatever! We'll go out. I could use around a dozen rounds of aqua vitae"

"Check you, with your fancy latin words" Lydia smiled, hoping it would cheer her up if Allison remembered how smart she was, "But not too many drinks alright? We got class in the morning and if I turn up with a hangover one more time Mr Griffin will fail me completely on the course"

Allison sighed and stood up, feeling better after her short vent to Lydia. She mentally scolded herself for shouting at her best friend for the past two and a half hours but she could already feel the initial anger wearing off into mainly bitterness and annoyance, targeted at her ex. She wanted to apologise for the tantrum but her jaw seemed wired shut. It would take a whole lot of shots to make her talk about Isaac like a normal, sane human being.

She shrouded her body in a tight fitting black print dress, with baby blue and pink flowers that she'd brought of a street rack in Italy back when she travelled with her parents. Unlike Lydia, who had opted for a golden dress that seemed to only covered up the parts of her slim body that really needed to be hidden, Allison wished to be as inconspicuous as possible.

"Don't you look cute!" Lydia giggled as she took her best friend's hand in a tight hold, as if letting her go would result in Allison caving in and going back to throwing her belongings around her room.

"Don't you look... Undressed" Allison smiled, gesturing to the strawberry blonde's outfit.

"Hey, I need a little fun with some random guy to make my college experience slightly more pleasurable" she grinned, checking her makeup in the mirror and picking up her purse.


"How many times do I have to tell you, you can't survive only on pot noodle" Scott laughed as his best friends staggered down the street beside him.

"Yeah? Well We've been almost doing it for a year!" Stiles shot back as he stopped to place his drink carefully on the top of someones car.

"You. You've been almost doing it for a year. I want to leave college alive"

"Says the man who drinks till he drops" Stiles grinned and Scott rolled his eyes.

"That was one time!"

"Seventeen, last time I counted"

"Sixteen, the time that frat boy punched my lights out doesn't count" Scott smiled as they opened the door to the local bar, conveniently close to the college campus as where Scott and Stiles has been living for the past two years.

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