Tattoo (Part 2)

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Ignore Allison. Ignore Allison. Ignore Allison. 

"Hey buddy" Stiles grinned, jumping up on my back as I walked through the doors into Beacon Hills High School. It felt like ages since I'd been in the halls, and frankly it was strange enough to hear people speaking English, "So thought anymore about the double date?"

"Yeah... I'm gonna pass" I sighed and watched as my best friend's face fell, "It's just, seeing Allison brought up memories and I really just want to see where we stand before I move on with my life"

"That's... The stupidest thing I ever heard" Stiles moaned, "If I'm staying away from Lydia then you're staying away from Allison"

"Lydia was you're obsession, Allison was my girlfriend" I smiled, "I kinda have a tougher job considering she was the love of my life" 

"Speak of the devil" Stiles whispered, pointing past me. 


"I don't know how he could just drive off" I mumbled, "He know's I wouldn't of"

"Yes sweetie, you would of" Lydia shrugged, "He left town and then he sees you again and freaks, it's to be expected"

"I just thought... I don't know, now that he's back we could try being... Like together again" I walked up the steps to school and Lydia grinned.

"Thank god!"

"What?" I asked, throwing a look at her. 

"I couldn't hold it in any longer, you're so depressed without him, I mean come on! This is the fifth time you've warn that top this month" she burst out, making me jump back in surprise. 

"You said you like this top" I argued, clutching my books to my chest.

"I liked it the first time, and maybe even the second time but now... The top must go" Lydia sighed, "Especially if you want to get Scott back"

"I never said th-"

"You implied. Plus, it wouldn't take much to get Scott back, he's probably a little lost puppy without you" Lydia shrugged, opening the double doors and walking inside.


"Do we run?" Stiles mumbled, nudging me with his elbow as he searched for an escape route. I couldn't move though, it was like my feet were permanently screwed into the floor, Allison was going to come over and say those two words that I never. Ever. Wanted to hear from her. 'Just friends'.

"Hey Scott" Lydia smirked, storming over to me and my best friend who had opened his blue locker and attempted to hide his face with it, "I don't think you saw us in the car yesterday but it's good you're back in town"

"Oh" I smiled nervously and shuffled my feet slightly as I looked past her at Allison who had been staring at the floor until now, "Uh, hey... Allison"

"Hi" she said quietly, making me gulp. I shouldn't of let Stiles drive off. I shouldn't. I shouldn't.

"Stiles" Lydia turned on my friend who shut his locker slowly and bit his lip, "You leant me a book a couple of months ago, I should probably give it back at some point" 

"Nah, keep it" Stiles mumbled, "You could read it during skype sex with your lizard boyfriend"

Our jaws dropped in sync as Stiles huffed and grabbed my arm to pull me away from the girls. I'd never seen him even contemplate hurting Lydia's feelings, but then again, Jackson hurt her more times than Stiles could count and it was clear he'd had enough. 

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