Merry Christmas

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MERRY CHRISTMAS! I couldn't exactly give all of you (my awesome incredible readers) presents, but think of this one shot as a gift from me this year. I've been waiting ages to post a festive scallison story and the day has finally arrived!

Comment below any other one shots you want done and I'll try and make it happen. I will also be writing a New Year story as well so I can have fun writing that to.

Anyways, ENJOY!

"I told you Lydia, go see Stiles, he's your boyfriend" Allison smiled slightly at her best friend who was sprawled out on the bed, checking her nails in the greatest detail.

"Allison, considering my parents are off on 'business' for the entire holiday, and you've allowed me to grace the Argent household with my presence. I will be spending every waking moment with you, not my boyfriend. Which won't be difficult considering neither him or your boyfriend will answer my texts" she groaned.

"Well, my boyfriend is a werewolf and my family said if I even looked at him I wouldn't see the light of day so..." Allison pointed out, matter-of-factly, "I think he has an excuse"

"He doesn't excuse Stiles" Lydia scowled, sitting up on my elbows and looking at Allison, "How are you two anyways?"

"Me? Me and Scott?"

"No you and Santa Claus" she scoffed, "Yes, you and Scott"

"We're fine... As fine as we can be with everything that's happened" Allison shrugged, "It just sucks that we can hardly kiss without worrying about get-"

The two girls were cut off by a soft bang on the window.

"Was that a snowball?" Lydia asked, rolling off the bed as Allison stood up.

"Not a bad guess, you know, since there's snow and all"

"Shut up Al" Lydia laughed, "It's probably some stupid elementary school kids playing a pra..." her voice trailed off and Allison raised her eyebrows.


"Well... They're not fourth graders" she smirked, opening the window.

Scott and Stiles were standing under Allison's bedroom window with grins spread across both their faces. They had been up all night trying to figure out how to get Allison's parents away from the house. Stiles had come up with the elaborate plan to set off bear traps all over the forest. Obviously Scott had earned a few scrapes and bruises but it was enough to make the Argent's think there was some rabid dangerous animal on the loose. They had to admire the hunter's commitment to their work even during the holidays, even if their work included threatening Scott and keeping Allison at a constant distance from him at all costs.

Suddenly the two boys saw the widow open and two heads come out slowly. Luckily Stiles stopped himself from throwing the other snowball instantly. Lydia and him had been dating for three months now, ever since the formal and their first kiss, and Stiles wasn't about to screw it up by hitting her in the face with snow. They saw the window close and they turned to look at each other.

"Roses?" Stiles asked and Scott handed over one of the two bunches of red flowers.

"You bring the teddy bear?" Scott mumbled, running his free hand through his hair as Stiles presented his large 'Merry Christmas - I love you' bear that he'd practically wrestled a guy for at the store for.

"You never told me what you did get Allison" Stiles smiled.

The door opened and the two girls practically charged out to their chatting boyfriends, Lydia was already on top of Stiles in the snow by the time the guy was able to say hi to her. Allison was slightly more cautious. As Scott knew, she wasn't as out going with her emotions as Lydia was but he could easily make out the smile on her face as she decided to screw her parents rules and jump into his arms.

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