I Do (part 2 of 3)

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"What about this one?" I asked, stepping out in a plain blue suit and yellow tie.

"Nope, yellow is not you're colour Scotty" Lydia smirked, twirling her hair round her finger.

"I thought orange wasn't my colour?"

"Lots of colours aren't your colour" she shrugged, "The 'pre-wedding' party is tonight and I know Isaac isn't exactly one for bold, Mr Grey, type clothing.We have to make you bigger, better, hotter more irresistible to my insatiable little Allison"

I chuckled and grabbed another suit, walking into the changing room and undoing the buttons of the blue jacket.

"So, how much money do you have on you?" She asked from behind the curtain.

"I have my card, why?"

"Well this is a highly expensive shop"

"Trust me Lyds, you don't have to worry about money" I grinned, changing into the rich, black tuxedo, "tie or bow tie?"

"Tie for tonight and bow tie for the big day. But of course you'll need watches and things"

"I'll give you my card, don't explode my account on millions of diamonds or earrings, or whatever girls spend my money on" I retorted, "and I'll be wearing my father's watch, I wouldn't wear anything else"

"What about a car?"

"Cora will arrange for my Lamborghini to be dropped off at your house"

"Fancy" she cooed as I stepped out, fixing my tie, "I love it, classic, sexy boyfriend material"


"I know" she smiled, "it's just a plus that I get to live my dream of saying my date to a wedding was a superstar athlete"

"Your going to be my date?" I smirked. Lydia punched my in the shoulder lightly, recoiling slightly from the muscle she unexpectedly felt against her knuckles.

"Son of a bitch your perfect" she gasped, rubbing the back of her hand soothingly before pushing me back in the small room to get back into my casual wear, "Yes, I'll give you the honour of being my date, but not because I want to"

"Let me guess, because you have to?"

"How else am I going to put you and Allison into awkward, sexual situations together?!" She pouted, taking the suit I handed to her.

"Are you sure she won't be pissed off that I'm just showing up?" I sighed as I stepped out and walked with her to the cashier.

"She said to me, 'Lydia, bring a date, a hot one, maybe even one I'll like', who fits that category? Spoiler alert! It's you" she giggled, handing the women at the desk my card.

"Maybe this isn't t-"

"Scott McCall you're not backing out on me are you?" She raised a suspicious eyebrow and I shook my head quickly, "Good, because I know what's best for my best friend, and that's clearly you because I know for a fact that the happiest moments in her life were when you were together. You two gave a whole new outlook to the word 'love' and that's why you two should be together"

I smiled slightly and collected the bag. Once we were outside of the store and safely in Lydia's car, I could finally reply to what she had said.

"Has she changed?"

"She cut her hair slight, changed the style, dyed it slightly lighter, stopped playing the piano after you left, she got a new boyfriend, obviously. She can no longer make a decent coffee for me, too much caffeine. Also she got a job in a law firm, she's real good at putting her point across" she explained quickly, driving down block after block of familiar shops and houses, "but apart from that, she hasn't changed a day, and she still lau-"

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