[05] - through the arm vine

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A/N: i made an aesthetic for tony :) hopefully i did it right. next chapter will have one for tony and johnny <3

It wasn't until a couple of hours later when Tony's hand gripped Ben's when he had come to visit her. Her small pale hand tightened for a few seconds signaling Ben that she was finally waking up. He got up from his chair and leaned over Tony just in time to see her eyes open before shutting from the light coming into the room. A dull pain radiated from her stomach to cause some discomfort but nothing like what she felt before she passed out. "Why's it so damn bright in here?"

Ben chuckled and squeezed her hand, "How ya doing kid?" He asked.

"Alright. How are you?" Tony asked.

"I'll be okay." Tony smiled and was about to say something when she caught movement near Ben's head. Looking over, she saw that her TV was on and was playing an episode of FRIENDS.

"Did you turn that on?"

"No, it was on when I came in. Why?"

Tony tilted her head at the TV as she watched Chandler and Ross fight about Chandler telling people that Ross had died on his alumni page. "It's just weird that the TV is playing my favorite show. It must have been Reed."

"I guess." Ben shrugged. He looked to the TV before looking back at Tony and kissing her forehead. "Why don't you rest up, you did go through surgery."

"I think I'm gonna take a shower actually. I feel all gross." Tony explained.

"You need any help?"

"No." Tony slowly sat up and spun so her feet dangled over the side of her bed. "I think I got it."

"Alright." Ben walked over and gave her shoulder a small squeeze before moving to the door, "I'm heading down to eat with Sue and Reed."

"Have fun." Tony said with a small wave and with that Ben was gone. Tony gently rubbed her stomach and could feel the layer of bandages under her shirt. Before she moved to the bathroom, Tony moved her eyes around the room and spotted the potted cactus on her bedside table. The pink flowers spouting from it made her scrunch up her eyebrows in confusion. "This Cactaceae Rebutia doesn't even look close to maturing. Why does it have flowers?"

Looking more closely, Tony could not find a plausible response as to why this cactus was growing flowers. But the more she sat and observed the plant the more her head hurt, so she put the pot down and slowly made her way to the bathroom. As she started the shower, Tony looked up and caught her reflection in the mirror making her cringe. Her red hair had gotten tangled and looked all out of place, while her face housed oily skin and dark bags under her eyes. Tony quickly looked away and started to get dressed, making sure to not hurt herself. She got down to the bandages and slowly started to unravel them while avoiding to look at them. She wasn't ready to see the stitches she most likely had.

Tony climbed into the shower, the warm water made her skin comfortable and her stiff muscles relax. As she washed her hair and then her body, making sure to be careful to avoid her stomach, a tingling sensation came over her body. It was like she felt something weaving and moving through her blood vessels. Tony just passed that to the drugs she thought were pumped through her after surgery and finished her shower. She shut off the water and was about to climb out when she looked down and caught something on her ankle. Looking closer, she recognized it as a vine slithering up her leg like it had a mind of its own.

A scream came from Tony and she hurried out of the shower, moving quickly to cover herself and to try and get the vine off of her leg. Once she touched it with her hand, the vine moved off her leg and onto her arm where it wrapped itself on her forearm like a brace. Tony tried prying it off but the vine fastened itself onto her skin.

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