Introductions | Chapter Two

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"Who are you!" He yelled at me. He looked surprised when I didn't flinch, "The Wolf" I growled back at him. He went white, his eyes went wide, his grip loosened. I smirked, so he was scared how...adorable. His face quickly hardened again and he tightened his grip. "What gives you the right to call me a kid!" He spat and shook you slightly. By then the others had noticed who I was and seemed kind of shocked, if that was the word to describe the look on there face... Your attention was brought back to Jungkook when he shook you again, harder this time. "Because you are one. Now let go." you stated calmly, of course he didn't listen and tightened his grip on the collar of your sweatshirt. He didn't lift you up off the ground and slam you around like the other guy though. You sighed heavily before grabbing both of his hands in one of yours and ripping him off you, which wasn't that hard actually. You walked past him, your shoulder pushing past him causing him to stumble a little, you walked straight up to the other members. The only one you knew by name was Jin of course but you didn't want to chitchat with a crowd watching. "Common," you said simple nodding behind you as if nonverbally telling them to follow you. You turned around and walked past Jungkook again and around a corner, the confused, somewhat worried boys followed you without question. After a few minutes of walking you came across an abandoned warehouse, well it wasn't really abandoned you used it all the time sort of claiming it as your own no one else went near it. You walked up to the ware house and slid open the front hanger type door and leaned against it, nodding towards the inside the boys simply nodded and walked past you into the large dark room. You walked in after them, flipping two switches as you did so, causing the doors to slide shut as the lights slowly flickered on. The doors fully closed and the noise echoed through the large yellow-y lit room before slowly dying down. You cleared your throat, you could talk normally here because the echoy room made your voice sound deeper. You walked over to a table against the wall as the boys gathered around and sat on a couch towards the middle of the room. You slid the switch blade out from your sleeve and tossed it on the table causing a soft clank to ring through the room catching the boys attention. "So," you said turning and walking towards them slowly, there eyes never left me as you turned a chair around and sat in front of them. "Tell me," you chuckled "who are you boys?" They whispered amongst themselves for a minute or two, not answering my question. You cleared your throat, gaining there attention, "go on, introduce yourselves. I'm waiting." The tall blonde man spoke up "We are BTS, I'm the leader Namjoon." You nodded slowly as he continued to introduce the other gang members. "This is Seokjin," he said pointing to the guy from earlier back in the alley. "Call me Jin." He said looking up at me from his spot on the couch. Namjoon continued, "Hoseok." He said pointing to a smiling dark brown blackish haired man. "Call me Hobi." He said waving. "Yoongi, Jimin, Taehyung, and of course you know Jungkook..." He finished quickly laughing nervously. You nodded again and they fell silent, shuffling around every now and then nervously. "So tell me," you said well tapping your foot slowly, "why did the seven of you decide to fight my errand boys, and how did you win." They squirmed under your stare and mumbled to each other, unsure how to answer. "It's fine, take your time. I've got all night. But your not going anywhere till I'm done with you all, understood?" You sighed and stood up from your chair, not waiting for an answer. You headed over to a door that led to a small office room. "And don't try and sneak away it never ends well for the people who try." You said, opening the door and pointing behind you to the switch blade you had left on the table. The sound of the closed door echoed through the warehouse before all went quiet, except for the whispering boys. You leaned your back against the door, to keep it closed, and you  took off your SnapBack and hood. Your hair was falling out of its bun and you had to fix it quickly. Maybe if you got a hair cut itd be easier and you wouldn't have to worry about it that much, you thought as you put your hat and hood back on well taking a seat in the old ripped leather office chair. It was only after a few moments that you noticed the whispers of the boys outside had stopped and suddenly there was a knock on the door. You got up and opened the door only to be faced by the seven boys. "Ok listen, we know you don't really care how or why we did it." Namjoon said, "what you do want is for us to be your new 'errand boys' and we also know that if we refuse we get beaten to a pulp..." I simply chuckled "Your smarter then I thought," you  pushed past them and back into the large room. "So, what'll it be?" You asked turning back to them. They mumbled amongst themselves for a moment before the pale skinned one spoke up, I believe his name was Yoongi? His skin looked like sugar... "We'd like to know how well you fight first." He said, I chuckled, "Alright, who's your best fighter?"  Namjoon stepped forward, Jin looked between me and him nervously before getting the others to step to the side. "You start," you say pulling your SnapBack down. He just nods, suddenly he throws a punch. It hits your open palm and you smile, you pull him towards you and round house kick him in the ribs, knocking the wind out of him and causing him to stumble to the side. As if in slow motion, a lock of dark turquoise-y blue hair slipped out from under your cap, as you spun to kick him. As soon as the kick hit its target you tucked the hair back under your cap, hoping, no praying, that none of them saw. Luckily all there attention was on Namjoon, because of the loud sound the impact made and him being doubled over in pain. "Oh common, it was just one kick. I didn't break any bones or anything gosh." You said causing them all the turn to you, but you noticed one didn't move. Jungkook had his eyes on you the whole shook off the feeling of worry building in your stomach and turned back to Namjoon who was standing up straight again. "I'm not going to break any of your bones, I promise. I don't bite." You sighed and he took a deep breath. We both readied ourselves again, but this time he took a different approach. He tried to kick you in the stomach, but you dodged the attack. Practically pouncing at him, you flipped him over you and slammed him into the ground like some kind of wrestling move. "I'll give you one more chance, common, get up." You said brushing off your sleeves and stepping back a bit to give him space. He got up slowly, but quickly ran towards me once he was up. He was to fast for me to do anything but dodge or hit, so I punched him. Straight in the jaw, the impact made a huge noise and Namjoon stumbled to the side, holding his chin. "Well, what do you think?" I asked, "was that good enough for you boys?" Jin walked over to Namjoon and helped him to the couch. Namjoon looked over to Yoongi and nodded, Yoongi repeated this motion to Jin who turned to Hobi, who nodded and turned to Jimin, who smirked and turned to Jungkook who rolled his eyes and turned to Taehyung who seemed to be paying no attention at all what-so-ever. They stayed silent for a few more moments as if communicating through they're eyes, before Jin spoke up. "Your good at defense, why didn't you fight though...?" He asked looking up at me from his spot next to Namjoon, who was still holding his jaw. "Bad home, ya know how it is..." You chuckled lightly, "and I didn't fight because I wouldn't want to hurt my new errand boys now would I?" You sighed. "I've only been punched this hard once before..." Namjoon chuckled. "And believe it or not it was from this one chick in highschool, I was flirting with her, and I had her against a locker...cute little thing to, and she straight up punched me. Square in the face, broke my nose, there's still a dent in a locker somewhere from me stumbling back and hitting my head." He laughed. "Speaking of highschool," you said turning to Jungkook, "your going back, for the last half of the last year at least. And don't you dare try and wiggle your way out. You need to be taught a few things, with that temper of yours." Before Jungkook could say anything, Jin butted in. "I agree, you should at least get the schooling well you still can." The next thing you new Jungkook was throwing a fit, like the little kid he was, only he was throwing chairs and stuff as well. Everyone ignored him though, they seemed used to it, poor things. "So do you guys have a place to stay?" You asked Jin, somewhat out of the blue. You were just wondering, you had a bit of an imagination of course. He smiled softly, but shook his head. "No, we don't really...we have a little set up under a bridge some ways away, but I'm the only one with a job. And that only gets us enough for some food..." He sighed. "You know, no one uses this guys could stay here. As long as your with me no one should mess with you all. Besides with kookie going back to school, he'll need a place to do his homework, and study. And you all seem pretty exhausted." You chuckled a little, "kookie? And your a lot nicer then people describe you as, ya know..." He said laughing a bit. "Ah Jungkook, kookie, hothead, kid, no difference. And me? Nice? I mean idk I guess...but you should see me when I'm mad." You stated sarcastically. You stood up and stretched, looking at the clock on the wall across the room. It was 3:00 AM, you sighed. "I'm going to get going, but you guys feel free to stay here the night. I'll be back here tomorrow, later in the day." You said well walking to the door and opening it. "Bye BTS." You said as you closed the door behind you and walked home. When you got home, you snuck around back and climbed up the window ledge. You snuck inside your room and collapsed on your bed, almost instantly falling asleep.
A/N: super long chapter ERMERGUD! And

^^^this is not you, just the color of your hair

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^^^this is not you, just the color of your hair.
Anyway hope you enjoyed :)

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