"That's exactly where we should go then. Fuck her! Let's go take it back. I don't care who she is, she doesn't own that club and you look hot tonight."

I narrowed my eyes at her, shaking my head. I should have known this was about more than grabbing a quick pint when she'd tossed a tiny, red dress on my bed. "Is this why you insisted I look runway ready?"

"I won't let you reclaim your life in trainers and gym shorts."

I knew Jesy well enough to know this wasn't the only reason. "As long as you aren't trying to get me to hook up with someone."

"You never know when the right one will come along," she said with a shrug and a knowing gleam in her eyes.

I thought of the day I'd met Jade, of the unexpected kiss we'd shared as we both hid during the festivities, of the undeniable connection I'd felt for her the first time we'd gone to bed together. Raising my glass, I tapped it against hers. "I'll drink to that."


The fear I'd expected wasn't there. Maybe it was the considerable amount of alcohol coursing through my veins courtesy of Jesy or maybe it was something more than that a hunger that had been gnawing through me since I'd read Jade's words earlier this evening. I wasn't here to see her. Not exactly. Going to Brimstone was about confronting myself. The club held a special significance for me. It had been the first place that Jade warned me away. I'd seen the darkness flashing in her eyes that night. It was also the place that had brought us together—and the place where I'd walked away from her. I hadn't chosen the club's name as my safe word lightly. Now it felt dangerous to be here, but after weeks of longing for Jade, I craved the risk.

The line of hopefuls wrapped around the building. From the outside, it was hard to tell it was London's hottest nightclub. I looped my arm through Jesy's and walked past the line, receiving a fair number of dirty looks in the process. We looked hot tonight—me in my short red dress and Jesy in a shimmery silver slip dress—but that wasn't what was going to get us in.

"Maybe we should go somewhere else." Jesy's gaze flickered toward the line.

"This is where I want to go." I peered ahead, pushing my shoulders back as we drew closer to the bouncer.

"An hour ago you didn't want to go here," she reminded me.

"That was before I had three doubles." Right now I felt like I could face anything. Maybe tonight I would get lucky and run into Leigh Anne, Jade's childhood friend and my wannabe rival. My mouth twisted at the thought.

"Exactly," Jesy said, pulling me from my fantasy. "You're drunk."

"And whose fault is that?"

"I just wanted you to loosen up, but I'm not sure—"

"I am," I interrupted her as we stepped to the front of the line. Behind us, I heard a mix of groans and cursing.

"Miss?" The bouncer crossed his arms, straining the seams of his already strained shirt. He tipped his head to the back of the line. Jesy tugged at my arm while a few people whistled behind us.

I searched the man's face for a moment with a raised eyebrow. He was definitely the one that had opened the door for me when I fled from Jade the night of our formal introduction. "I suppose you don't remember me. It's not wash day."

I smoothed my dress down suggestively and bit my lip for good measure. He studied me for a moment before slowly asking, "A guest of Jade?"

"You could say that." I fluttered my lashes, waiting for him to finally place me.

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