Chapter fourteen: More about us

Start from the beginning

"Joy, it's more complicated than you know. I don't know what you remember, but from what you said, it doesn't sound like you remember the time from when we knew each other." Iron Fist sounded upset, pacing slightly.

"When people normally say it's complicated, they just don't want to explain it."

"Joy, it is complicated I promise you that I'm not lying."

"And I'm just supposed to trust you? There's no way I could know that you're lying." Iron Fist froze then turned around, oddly smiling.

"No, there is. I know someone who could help, help you trust me. Lu--Powerman calls him a Walking Lie Detector. He'll be able to tell you if I'm lying to you...if you don't trust me." Only person I trust with a mask on right now is Nova...maybe the Avengers...through most of them don't actually wear masks....

"Alright fine. Whatever. Where do we find this guy?"

"Hells Kitchen. But Joy, you have to know something."


"I would never lie to you."


"You want me to do what?" The Devil of Hells Kitchen (Daredevil) stood before Iron Fist and I. If he wasn't wearing a mask, I would guess he would be looking at Iron Fist like he was crazy.

"Let her know I'm not lying to her. I know you can tell when people are will you help us out?"

"This seems like a personal matter between you two. I don't think I belong in the middle of it." Come to think of it, how did Iron Fist know the Devil of Hells Kitchen?

"Ma--Daredevil please." Daredevil stood there, deep in thought, before turning to Iron Fist.

"Can I talk to you? Away from her?" I growled slightly.

"My name is Joy." Daredevil whipped around, and even through the mask I could tell he was glaring at me and, even through he was only a few inches taller than me, he was terrifying.

"I'm sorry Ms. Osborn, but considering the fact that your father has been linked to Super villains, the guys I and my friends risk our necks every night trying to stop because they're misusing your companies technology, I don't particularly care what I call you or if you're happy with it." He snapped, walking away with Iron Fist.

"Rude..." I muttered.


"So this is the girl you lost to Nova?"

"Yes. You know you didn't have to be so rude to her. Now she'll think I have jerks for friends."

"Want my advice?"

"Not really. Are you even going to apologize to her?"

"Letting a girl come between you and a friend is a bad idea. Trust me."

"She was mine first--."

"Women are not objects, they don't belong to anyone Daniel, you of all people should know this." I sighed.

"I know, I's just--."

"You're angry. Well she's confused, and you aren't helping."

"I can't let her not remember--."

"Forcing her to be with you because that's how it was before won't help." I clenched my fists.

"You don't understand Matt."

An Iron Fist for an Iron Maiden (A Danny Rand Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now