Damaged 1

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Oh and I should mention that this story is somewhat fast-paced. Not too much, though, just a little faster than average is all! <3



                                                Chapter 1

                                         (All By Myself-Celine Dion)

          “Lina, honey,” My mom’s soft voice called out to me from the other side of my door. I lifted my head—which felt heavy from lying in one spot—from the window and looked in the direction of my mother’s voice.

          “Yes?” I called. My voice came out low and kind of scratchy as I didn’t talk much.

          “Dinner is ready. Why don’t you come down?” I could hear the hope in her voice. I hadn’t joined my parents for dinner for the last year. It was Christmas though; a special occasion and I could tell that it would mean a lot to my mother if I were to eat with them. But I just didn’t feel up to it.

          “No thank-you.” I said quietly and heard her distinct sigh. I knew I was upsetting her but I couldn’t help it. So many times I’ve wanted to tell her what was wrong with me, just so I’d have someone understand. So that a weight could be lifted off of my shoulders but I’d chosen to bear it alone and now I was dealing with the consequences of shutting everyone out. It’s been over a year. Who would believe me now?


          “I’ll be back mom. I’m going to take a walk,” I called to my mom as I slid my shoes on and grabbed my coat out of the hall closet. My mom came out of the kitchen and watched me as I put on my coat and gloves.

          “Honey, it’s freezing out. Why would you want to go outside?” She asked me looking at me as if I was crazy. Maybe I was…

          “I just need to get out. Get some air.” I attempted to explain. It came out flat and kind of harsh and my mom flinched at my tone. “Sorry,” I sighed feeling bad once again that I was taking my attitude out on her.

          She smiled weakly. “It’s okay. Don’t stay out too long, okay? I don’t want you to get sick.”

         I nodded. As I got to the door, I looked back once again to see my mom standing there watching me with this worried look and wringing her hands together. I turned and walked out the door and into the cold weather. Stuffing my hands in my jacket pockets, I tucked my chin into my chest as I walked against the cold wind whipping my hair back and forth under my hood.

          When I decided to leave the house, I had no idea where I was going. I just wanted out of the prison-like confinement of my room. At least, that’s what it felt like. When I sat in my room all day it only gave me time to think and wallow in self-pity. I need to stop feeling sorry for myself. My feet seemed to be carrying me towards the park at the end of my block. It was where I used to come as a kid every day. As I came upon the entrance, I scanned my surrounding but of course no one was there. It was much too cold.

          My eyes fell upon the old wooden bench just behind the sand box and slightly under a big willow tree. The branches hung down over the bench shading it partly from view. The leaves of the willow tree looked brown and brittle and some of the braches were bare. I trudged over to it and heavily flopped down on it. The seat was extremely cold but I stayed seated anyway. My butt would be so numb by the time I got up I knew.

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