Late Night Rides

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I was busy feeding the animals at Wyoming horse and cattle ranch. My name is Allison. My boyfriend, Chris, was washing the truck. When I got closer to where he was he sprayed me with the hose.
     "I hope you know that water is very cold!" I said. He laughed. My blonde hair was sticking to my face.
     "Sounds like a personal problem, babe!" He said. I went out in the far field where most of the geldings were. I caught Reno and Trigger and tied them to the tie down and got the saddles and bridles out. I got them saddled and lead them over to the chickens because that's where Chris was. The sun was setting and the air got cooler.
     "Would you like to ride?" I asked. He smiled and walked over to me, giving me a kiss.
     "Yes, ma'am." He said. He mounted on Trigger and I got on Reno. We rode toward where the mountains were. That's where we camp with our friends. It's a really beautiful place. It's also where Chris and I shared our first kiss.
     "Were the cows tough with you today?" I asked. The calves usually like to rough house with him.
     "Not too bad." He said, grabbing my hand and smiling at me. We rode to the top of one of the taller hills and we got off, sitting on the edge. We looked over the land and just enjoyed each other's company.
     "It's so easy out here." Chris said. "We get to chase ghosts and play with animals all day." He said. I laughed and cuddled into his side. I kissed his cheek.
     "And go on late night rides." I added.

Finally got a request! It's been so lonnnnnggggg, I missed it! This was requested by jazzie1245 if you need me to make any changes or write another just let me know! I hope you like it! 😘I love youuuuuuuuu

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