Devil's Job

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Chapter four of Borrowing God

By Aurora2

Devil's Job

          I hung the shirt back on it's proper rack, grumbling about how people could at least put the clothes back where they found them. That, or buy them. It was always frustrating when woman would come into the store and leave stuff in the wrong place. Yes, it was always females who were careless. Surprisingly, men either bought what they were here for, or at least had the decency to put the crap back where they got it. And that's why i got along better with guys than i did with girls.

      "Morning Sunshine," my uncle called as he entered the store, setting the bells off. "Thanks for opening up today, i dont know what i would do without you." Throwing his hat onto the counter, he smiled over at me happily. His bald head reflected the light, green eyes twinkling and big hands rubbing together as if he was cold. My uncle was the perfect defintion of a "Jolly Man". His cheeks were always rosy, body overweight, height about the same as mine. Uncle Russ was just one of those people who could easily make you laugh at any moment. But his style was by far the best part about him. I guess you could say i inherited that from him. Today he wore loose pants and a button-up, blue shirt. The cuffs were rolled up at the end of his sleeves, making him look more like an authority figure than an easygoing, happy man.

       "You're welcome, Uncle Russ!" I shouted back as he disappeared behind the employee door. The bell went off, signalling that someone was entering the store. I glanced up, seeing the flash of a black jacket but nothing else. Shrugging it off, i went back to organizing the shelf. Every shirt was once more in correct order and i sighed, desperately hoping that the newcomer wouldn't mess it up.

       Uncle Russ poked his head out, a joyful smile lighting up his face as he gazed past me. "Ah! Luke my boy, come on in here, i've got an ID badge, ready and waiting for ya'."

      "Thank you, Sir," The newcomer called out from a few feet behind me, voice deep and laced with something close to amusement. I froze immediantly, mouth gaping open like a complete idiot. A chill of horror swept down my spine.

       "Camilla?" My uncle called, stepping out fully from behind the door. A pleased look crossed his face as he looked at me and the man behind me. "This is Luke, he is our new employee." Sucking in a breath, i turned around to face him, throwing a smirk on my face. He smiled cockily back, hands shoved into the pockets of his jeans. Under a black jacket, he wore a bright red jersey that caught your eye because of the number printed on the front; 6. I glared up into his blood-brown eyes, gritting my teeth in frustration. This guy just wasn't going to give up was he?

       "Nice to meet you, Camilla."

       I kept my jaw clentched, giving a little nod of my head before taking off down the aisle in a fast stroll. Everything about me screamed; tension, and i made sure not to look into my Uncle's eyes, for he would most definately see the anger and fear in them. "Uncle Russ, where is the broom at? It looks like someone dragged a field in here."

      "Right here sweetheart," he responded, pulling a bright yellow broom out of the back room and throwing it over in my direction. I reached out to catch it but ended up doing a complete faceplant with the ground. My arm folded painfully beneath me as i landed at an odd angle, cheek smashing down painfully. Almost instantly, a pair of hands pulled me to my feet as i moaned in protest. A tingling crawled across my skin where he touched. It was an odd sensation, but not a good one. Terror like i'd never felt before swept over me as he still gripped onto my waist. Without hesitation, i yanked away and glared up at him angrily.

    "Are you okay Cami?" My uncle asked, worry spreading across his kind face. I nodded slightly, determined not to let him think that i hated Luke. As i had decided with Bryan, my uncle didn't deserve to be dragged into my problems either.

    Biting back a sigh, i plastered a solid smile on my face and looked up into his bright eyes, "Of course. Just a little clumsy today, that's all." Picking up the broom succesfully this time, i began sweeping the pieces of grass into a pile on the polished floor. "Thank you, Luke,"  i muttered quietly for the sake of my uncle, who looked satisfied now that i seemed grateful toward his new worker.

    "No problem," Satan grinned, shoving his hands back into his pockets once more. His smile grew bigger as my cell phone buzzed. I reached over to pluck it off the counter and opened the new message. Another blank text with no 'technology jazz' popped up on my screen for the third time that week. Glancing up at the man in front of me, i lowered my eyes slowly to read the message.

"Satan has to work too.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2011 ⏰

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