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    PT. 1

Before I knew it, Ramiro was walking and talking- or at least, attempting to do so.

Ramiro sat on the floor, playing with his little xylophone. I swear, he's in love with that thing, and Romelo's been trying to get it away from him ever since I bought it for him.

"La la da!"

I smiled at him, as he imitated the sounds of his instrument.


Ramiro stood at my knees, his hands on my thighs. "Yes, baby?" I asked him, tapping his nose. Ramiro grinned, and climbed up in my lap.

"Where Daddy?"

Ramiro always wanted to know where Romelo is.

Romelo walked in, and sat down next to me. "There he is," I smiled.

Ramiro moved from my lap to Romelo's, and Romelo hugged him.

"I was thinking that we could have some type of family outing, y'know? Like go shopping or something.." Romelo suggested.

"I think Ramiro would like seeing some of the sights!"

"Maybe we could just take him to the park.."

I ruffled Ramiro's soft curls, and he grabbed my finger.

"When are we going to go?"

"Whenever you're ready."

I held Ramiro's hand as we walked through the store, Ramiro wanting to touch and feel everything. Romelo walked ahead of us, scrolling through his phone.

Ramiro had gotten some new things today, some books, and a chain- that Romelo said he had to have. "He's gotta stunt like me," he said.

Romelo stopped to look at some shirts, he held the hem of the shirt, looking over it plenty of times. "Damn, they ain't got my size."


Looking down at Ramiro, he reached his arms up at me. I picked him up, kissing his forehead. He wrapped his arms around my neck, his head resting on my shoulder.

"You sleepy, baby?"

He nodded.

Romelo smiled, looking back. He started to say something, but his phone started to ring, and Romelo pulled it out. Looking at the screen, he kissed my cheek, "Let me take this, okay?"

I nodded. Romelo walked off, and I walked the opposite way, looking at more clothes. Before I knew it, I had lost Romelo in the store, and I couldn't spot him anywhere.

"Romelo!" I yelled, looking around.


"Romelo!" I cried, going outside and looking around.

I didn't see him..at all.

I tried to push against the crowd, but I ended up bumping into someone. I turned around, and my eyes fell upon a familiar face.

"RC? What are you-"

His eyes widened, full of surprise.

"You had a child?"

I looked at Ramiro, who was fast asleep in my arms. I nodded, smiling. "Romelo didn't tell you?"

RC bit his lip, shaking his head.


"Well, you see my-"

I suddenly felt a knife against my stomach, and I whimpered, staring into RC's eyes.

"You're coming with me, understand? Act natural. I'll slice you up, and don't think I won't."

I nodded, and RC grabbed my arm tightly, pushing me out of the store. My eyes fell onto Ramiro, who was still asleep. I was taken into a back alley, where a black SUV was parked. He opened the car door, and pushed me up into the backseat, getting in beside me and closing the door.

I laid Ramiro down, putting his head in my lap. I messed with his little curls, my hands trembling.

What was going on?

I looked down into my lap, I felt tears prick my eyes, stinging as they came to the forefront. RC made me look at him, giving me a smile. "Look, it ain't nothing against you personally..it's just to keep you safe."

"B-But I am s-safe.."

He shook his head.

"Trust me, gorgeous..you don't want to get caught up with him."

I stared at RC like he was crazy, but he was utterly serious. What does he mean by caught up?

"You may love him, but trust me, Romelo has some sick, twisted distortion of what love truly is."

"W-What?" I quivered, tears falling down my cheeks.

Is he trying to tell me that the Romelo I thought I knew wasn't true? I'm in love with him, we have a family!

RC gave me a sympathetic look, and wiped my tears. I knew he wasn't telling me everything, and it hurt to know it.

"You'll learn..very soon Bonita. But for now, you sleep."

RC pressed this cloth against my mouth, and I couldn't help but breathe it in. It was sickly sweet, and without any hesitation, my eyes began to droop.

"Sweet dreams, Mamacita."

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