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I had such a great time with Romelo. I wouldn't mind doing it again.

The kiss wasn't so bad, either..

I had seen a different side of him, and I liked it. He always held me close, and I didn't say anything about it, but I liked it. He opened doors for me, pulled out chairs for me, and was an all around perfect gentleman.

Stepping out of the limo, I yawned.

I was beyond tired..I felt like I could fall asleep right here. Yawning once more, I stepped through the doors of Romelo's mansion, giving a soft smile to a pair of butlers standing at the door.

Romelo obviously had a lot of money, to decorate his mansion with all this. It was blankly obvious that gold was something he valued, as I noticed that all the door handles, and bathroom pieces were gold.

I rubbed my eyes, sighing softly.

I couldn't wait to get underneath my cool sheets..

"Charles, would you take Aaliyah's bags up to her room?"

I turned around, hearing Romelo's voice.

"No, no...Charles, I can do that myself," I nodded, picking up the bags. I didn't want Charles doing the simple tasks that I could do myself.

He took them from my hands, shaking his head. "No, Miss Aaliyah. It would be my pleasure," he smiled, showing off his pearly whites and laugh lines.

I watched Charles head up the spiral staircase, and I bit my lip, turning my attention to Romelo.

My eyes fell upon his black eyepatch, and I couldn't help but giggle. I had to say, it was unnerving at first, but now...it simply looked cute on him.

Of course I wanted to know what was underneath, but I knew not to mess around with Romelo's business.

I assumed he would tell me in time.

"Well..I'm about to go to bed.." I mumbled, and looked back at Romelo. He gave me his attention, and I swear- he looked redder than a tomato.

"I had a great time today," I faintly smiled, "we should do it again."

I think he turned even redder- if that was at all possible.


I couldn't sleep.

I kept tossing and turning, my bed feeling extremely uncomfortable.

"Aaliyah..you up..?"

Sitting up, I watched my door open slowly, Romelo stepping into my room.

"You can't sleep either, huh?" I asked.

"Yeah..just came to check on you.."

He closed the door gently, climbing into bed next to me. His arm draped across my waist, and I turned into him. Romelo was warm, and it felt nice to have him against me.

"I guess we can talk..until morning?"

I nodded.

It didn't quite work out that way.

Feeling the warmth of a new day, I slowly opened my eyes, using my hand to shield myself from the sunlight.


Looking down, I softly smiled. Romelo was fast asleep, his head resting on my chest. He looked like a big baby, so adorable as he slept. I rubbed his cheek, and he groaned.

I bit my lip.

I felt tempted to look at what was under his eyepatch.

I imagined that he was hiding something huge, like maybe he didn't have an eye at all?

Starting to lift it up, I took a deep breath.


Looking at Romelo, he had a smirk on his face. He held my wrist between his thumb and his index finger, and he chuckled.

"I ain't afraid to break your wrist."

I whimpered, and Romelo looked at me. "You might be gorgeous, but you're one nosy girl, huh?"

After this morning, I couldn't help but stare at Romelo's eyepatch.

I had several theories about why he was wearing it, and some of them where just insane.

Maybe Romelo was blind in that eye, and that's why he didn't want me to see it?

I sighed, and returned to the television.

The doorbell rang, a sweet chime echoing throughout the house. Looking around, I noticed that no one came to get it, and whoever it was rang the doorbell again.

Coming to the door, I unlocked the multitude of locks, and opened the door.

"Hi, I'm looking for Romelo Augu- you aren't Romelo."

Looking up, I stepped back. I was staring at a male, with a nose piercing. A hat covered his head, but the sides of his hair stuck out from under it. He flashed me a smile, and I felt my insides flop.

"I suspect that Romelo isn't here at the moment, or this might be the wrong house?"

I shook my head, "Oh no, no, Ro-"

"You know you can't be opening these doors, Aaliyah- Terrell?"

I felt Romelo's arm around my waist, and he kissed my cheek softly.

"Romelo! My nigga!"

I was utterly confused.

Watching Romelo and Terrell do a handshake with each other, Romelo pushed him inside, and closed the door.

"So you living it up, huh?" Terrell asked, looking at me, then Romelo.

"Of course! Fuck I look like?" Romelo laughed.

He suddenly pulled me into him, looking into my eyes. "Go upstairs, Aaliyah. Terrell and I have to do some business."

"Come on Aaliyah! We don't have all day! Time is money!"

Ignoring Romelo, I pulled on my cardigan. Coming down the stairs, I heard Romelo whistle at me.

Terrell had suggested that the three of us went out tonight, and Romelo agreed, which meant that I was tagging along.

Romelo took my hand, kissing it gently.

"You look cute," Terrell commented.


The three of us headed outside to the limo, and Romelo opened the door for me. Climbing in, Terrell sat across from me. No matter how much I tried to ignore it, I could feel his eyes on me, watching my movements closely.

I felt like a piece of meat.

"Where to, Mr. August?" Romelo's driver, Martin asked. He spoke with a heavy English accent, and I remember Romelo telling me that he was from some small city in Europe.

"Le Giverny. Time to spend some money," Romelo grinned.

Martin had taken us to the restaurant, and now we were seated at the table. I felt uncomfortable with them, and once again, Terrell was still staring at me, like he was going to sacrifice me to who knows what.

So I just let them talk, reminisce on old times. I simply picked at my food, zoning out.


Dropping my fork, I looked at Romelo. He smiled, and I raised my eyebrows. "Huh?"

"I asked, do you want dessert?"

I shook my head, and sipped my drink, "I'm fine.."

He kissed behind my ear, whispering, "We'll go in a minute, just try to enjoy yourself.."

I was pissed at Romelo.

Infuriated, even.

Romelo had told Terrell about our marriage, and he had made a comment that, "for a married couple, you two don't show much affection," and before I could make up something to change the subject, Romelo thought it okay to shove his hands up my dress.

"You still aren't gonna talk to me?" He asked, putting his keys down on the counter.

I looked at him and rolled my eyes.

"I was just trying to make our marriage more convincing-"

I pushed him, getting in his face, "This isn't a marriage! I don't love you! I'm not even that I like you! Nothing is convincing, because you don't love me, and I sure as hell don't love you!"

Romelo looked a bit upset at my words, but I didn't care. I should've never signed that damn contract, agreement, or whatever the hell it's called. I had thrown away my one chance at possibly getting my life back. What was I thinking?

I wasn't even sure how I felt about him!

He ripped me from my calm little existence, and now I'm married to some insane nigga who snaps off at the handle.

I felt Terrell take my hand, and he smiled.

"You ready to go?"

I pulled my hand away, raising my eyebrows at him.

"What?" I questioned, "What are you talking about?"

"Romelo sold you to me, what, he didn't tell you?"

And I couldn't help but burst into tears.

"You're supposed to be protecting me! You can't do that!" I screamed, pushing at his chest.

Romelo pulled on my arm, "Aaliyah, it's not like that!"

I shook my head, "Then what is it?! I can't believe I almost started liking you!"

And I stormed away from him, and up the stairs. 

(AN: Oops..Romelo sold Aaliyah /.\ How'd you guys like the previous chapter? I decided to do one from Romelo's POV :) I might do those occasionally :3)

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