Operation: Annoy Alois

Start from the beginning

we came up from the sidewalk and i was surprised there was nobody out here. "alright my darling immortal this is as close to the Trancy Manor as i could. if we run, we'll make it before it gets too dark." i groan and arch my back dropping my arms behind me. "Luci do we have to run? i did enough running in cheer and that was 4 miles in almost 110° heat!" i whined.

"do you wanna do this or not? besides i am well aware that you'd actually love to run, you're just nervous to see Alois in person and make Big Alois wake up in his booty shorts." he said and i looked down and covered my face. but something caught my attention.

"did you just say Big Alois? like Dean calling his dick Little Dean? or that Retro Spiderman meme where it says 'little spidey needs attention.'

"you mean to tell me that Alois Trancy, who is like what 16 now or somethin has a big dick?!"

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"you mean to tell me that Alois Trancy, who is like what 16 now or somethin has a big dick?!"


"oh my god."

i am fucked.

we ran till we reached the Manor. we were out of breath but Luci was fucking dying on their grass. face planted. heh heh heh heh that was funny.

"Lu come ON! you are 6'3 and i am 5'2. i should not have to drag you to the sta-AHHH!!" i dragged him up with me but fell backwards and broke a bit of the top stair! "oh fuck." "well i mean if you look at your own arse then you'd know that it breaks things when all your weight falls on it!" Lucifer started laughing then had a major coughing fit choking on his saliva. "hahahahahahahahaa!!!! take that you evil little shit!!"

somehow i pulled myself out the giant hole and to the door. not even a second later, Alois answers the door with Claude in the background doing something. Alois looks down at me and kneels. "damn. he looks even sexier in person." i whisper to Lucifer who was still laying on top of me but now hugging my waist.

"why thank you miss. but i have to ask, what is your name?"

"i *breaths* am Lashonte. *breaths heavily*"

"and i'm Lucifer Morningstar the devil himself." he mumbled throwing his hand up like 'here i aaammmm!' Claude slowly peered his head in from behind the door staring at Lucifer. "and this chocolate bar," he started, slapping my chest and making me lose air. i gave a huff and laid down. "this is my best friend for eternity. she's immortal but only we know that. and she like to be called Shonte. she also thinks you're sexy as fuck aaaaaaaaand wants to fuck the shit out of you. but she's too scared to cause your penis is just massive. that is all."


"master, if i may just....."

"oh my god Lucifer." i whispered closing my eyes and running my hand through his dark brown hair.



oh my god Eren.

is Lucifer on drugs or something?

Claude's eyes widened as he slowly backed away and around the corner.

"uhh well uh, th-thank you. Shonte." i looked up to see he is so red right now. oh my god he's blushing!! the way my name rolled off his fucking tongue! GODDAMN!

"sooo what brings you here?"

"do remember to breathe and answer his question, love!"

what was i doing here?

"ohh oh oh yes! m-may we come in? i think Lucifer got fucked up when we ran. but who knows with him." Alois jumped suddenly and exclaimed. "oh! yess i am so sorry i forgot all about that. i was distracted. might i say you do look quite adorable when you're embarrassed." he smirked at me taking my hand and rubbing his thumb over the front of mine. Lucifer stood up immediately and winked at me.

"you were faking it?!" i yelled at him in our mind chat room.

"yes i was but i know you weren't about all the stuff i said. i know you want to do all that with him. i just pushed you in the right direction, love."

"goddamnit Luci as much as you piss me off and embarrass me i cannot stay mad at you."

he walked beside me and chuckled from above. as we amwalked the halls, i saw the triplets and heard their whispers. they really don't give two shits. Lucifer pulled my gray shirt more over my shoulders to hide my red bra strap. then pulls my black cami up to cover my small cleavage. "Lucifer! it's not like they're fallin out my damn shirt! jesus fuck!"

"no they aren't fallin out but what if some devil-hunter shit happens and they try to rape you? they can easily pull down that shirt and slip a hand to ya nips!! i am your best friend and body guard so you are my first priority." damn it Lucifer.

all of a sudden Alois stopped in front of a hall with many rooms. "alright Mr. Morningstar i think the best thing to do is get some rest. although there's only a single bed so Shonte can sleep with me! is that alright with you?" he said looking behind him to me still holding my hand. "uh y-yea that's f-fine with me."

i was screaming inside. he said i was gonna have to sleep with him. in his room. in his big ass bed! he opened his door and i looked back to Luci and he held up a condom waving it around with this big grin on his face. i only widened my eyes and looked back in front of me.

ohh this is gonna be a long night.

jesus christ that word count tho, Shonte

holy fuck that's a lot! and this is only part one!!

word count :1591

to be continued in the next update!

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