Chapter 6

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Okay, so I've been at this new school for 2 weeks now, and already I've kissed and made out with the hottest guy in school? Not to mention I already made an enemy with his ex. Oops.

Anyway, it's the weekend! I get out of bed, surprisingly happy. I usually am not a morning person. I groggily wipe my eyes and take a look in the mirror. I decide that I don't look like complete shit and head downstairs. To my surprise, a toned back is facing me, flipping pancakes. I raise my eyebrows in curiosity and head over to the kitchen. I notice it's Tyler and wanting to make the most of this morning, I decide that a little teasing would make this whole situation a little more fun. It also just so happens that I'm wearing my booty shorts from 9th grade and a tight tank top. I hop up onto the counter and cross my legs, plucking a cherry from a bowl. I throw one at his back, then take another and try my hardest to seductively eat a cherry. It's actually a lot harder than it looks, but I think I had him fooled. When he faces me, his eyebrows are raised and he looks me up and down. He places his hands on my thighs, running his fingers up and down, sending chills throughout my body. He uncrosses my legs and steps into the space between my legs. I give him a devilish grin and slowly pop the cherry seed from my lips. I toss it behind me and I can almost feel his boner. His chest rises and falls quickly and I just continue to smile at him as we stare at each other. Finally, he goes in for the kiss, but I quickly turn my head, so his lips meet my cheek. I almost laugh when I see his anger.
"You know, for someone who's making you breakfast, you're not exactly treating me with hospitality." He whispers close to my ear and my heart is speeding. I bite my lip and wrap my arms around his neck, bringing him even closer. My whole teasing plan kind of backfired because now I feel like I'm the one being teased. He kisses my neck, trailing up to my jawline, and then to the corner of my mouth. My heart is still beating a mile a minute and it's taking everything in me not to kiss him. Fortunately (or maybe unfortanately...), we smell something getting burnt, and he immediately goes back to the stove. He waves a towel in the air to clear the smoke and he turns off the stove. A charred pile of black pancake lays in the pan and I start laughing.
"Hm, maybe that's why you're not getting any hospitality..." He glares at me and gestures to the already made stack of pancakes. "What are you doing here anyway? And how did you get in?"
"I just wanted to get outta my house, so I came here. Ashley let me in on her way out to Sean's house." He joins me at the table and forks a pancake. It's  kind of weird how the first place he thinks of to escape his family, is here. Oh well, not complaining. I dish out a few pancakes and make a swirly pattern with the syrup. I take a bit and I feel like I'm in heaven. "Mmm. This is amazing. Who knew you could cook?"
"Hey, just because I ride a motorcycle and wear leather jackets doesn't mean I don't know how to work a stove." He pokes his fork at me and already he's done eating. I finish my last bite and savor the taste, then take our plates to the sink. As I'm sponging down the plates, Tyler comes up behind me, placing his hands on my waist. My breathing picks up but I pretend he doesn't bother me and keep scrubbing at the non existent stains on the plate. He starts to kiss my shoulder, leading up to my neck, then stops at my jawline. I put the plate down in the sink and turn around. I bite my lip for effect and then lace my arms around his neck.
"You really need to stop teasing me like that. I told you I'm not sleeping with you."
"First of all, you're the one wearing basically nothing. And second, I'm not trying to get you to sleep with me. I'm just trying to make it hard for you to resist me." The corner of his mouth curls up and he pulls me closer to him. He brushes his lips with mine which drives me crazy and soon our breathing is in sinc. I can't help but notice how pretty his eyes are. It's like an ocean with specks of black dots. He's leaning in, about to kiss me. And I'm about to kiss him back when the doorbell rings. I jump out of his arms and scurry to get the door. Whew, that was a close one. Saved by the bell. I straighten out my hair a little and swing the door open. Kyle is standing there with his hands burried in his pockets. He smiles me when he sees me and I'm pretty sure he blushed. Aw.
And then I remember that a shirtless Tyler is in my house. And Ashley's not here so I can't make up the excuse that they were just hooking up. And to make matters worse, Tyler joins me at the door.
"Oh. Him again," he says with disgust, "what are you doing here?" I nervously look from Kyle to Tyler then back again.
"I was just gonna see if Audrey here wanted to hang out today. But I see that you're clearly busy." He's about to turn and leave but I step out and grab his arm.
"Wait! Don't go. Tyler and I weren't doing anything. He just stopped by to see if Ashley was home. We were definitely not busy."
"And is Ashley home?"
"Um, no. But he was just leaving."
"No I wasn't. And I'm pretty sure we were a little busy. Plus, I made her pancakes." Tyler speaks up and steps out from the door. He places himself between Kyle and I and jabs a finger at his chest. "Listen buddy, Audrey here is off limits. You can't 'hang out' with her, or do math with her, or even speak to her. So why don't you get your Hollister wearing ass outta here." They glare at each other one last time before Kyle flips him off and gets in his car. I'm too speechless to say anything even though I want to scream at Tyler for being so rude and yell after Kyle to come back. Once we get inside, that's when I explode.
"What the fuck?! Tyler you can't just fucking do that! We're not dating! We're just messing with each other and you know that's all we are. We will never be anything more than just two people who make out sometimes okay?! I actually like Kyle and think he's a good guy. But you've ruined any chances I have with him! I hope you feel so good about yourself. Now he won't ever talk to me and you'll have me all to yourself so you can play with me whenever the fuck you want to. Screw you Tyler." I may have sounded a little more angry than I should have but he had it coming. He had no right to tell Kyle what he could do with me. He doesn't own me and we're not even dating so he can't just play protective boyfriend. His eyebrows are narrowed and he looks kinda mad. He shouldn't be the mad one! He rushes up to me and pins me against the wall. He's breathing deeply and his forehead is touching mine. I try to squirm out of his grip but it's no use.
"Audrey, you don't fucking know half of it. How well do you even know Kyle? What, he does some math with you and all of a sudden he's a nice guy? You've only been here for a few weeks, and already you act like you know everything about everyone. I know Kyle way better than you and I know that what I did was for your own good. You'll thank me later." He lets go of my arms and turns around.
"Yeah, so maybe I've only been here for a few weeks, then how could you possibly know me so well? You say that I don't know Kyle and that you did that for my own good. But how well do you know me? You think you know me enough to make decisions for me. To act like your my body guard. I can take care of myself Tyler. Trust me, I know when to cut a guy off."
"You know maybe I fucking did that because I actually like you. Because I'm so selfish that I want you all to myself and I don't want to have to compete with anyone. And how do you think I felt when you told him that I just stopped by to see if Ashley was home? Is that all I am to you? Some guy that occasionally hooks up with your sister? Because that's not who I want to be."
"What, you want to hold my hand? You want to give me hugs and kisses and take me on dates? Then just throw me away when you feel like it? Because that's not who I want to be. And if that's not who you want to be, then why are you? Why do you hook up with my sister then the next day make pancakes for me? Why do you use me to make your ex jealous then claim you're doing what's best for me?"
"I did those things to keep me from falling for you. I thought that if I hooked up with Ashley, you would think that I was incapable of loving anyone, and if you thought that, maybe I would be. I didn't want to fall for you, but I did. In those shorts weeks that I've gotten to know you, I fell in love with you. I swore to myself that I would never love anyone again. But I guess your the exception." His expression softened and I couldn't help but feel bad for yelling at him.
"Well, I also swore I'd never fall for anyone, and I guess that's why I keep going for Kyle. To distract me from what I'm really feeling. But Tyler, I don't know if I'm ready to date anyone just yet. We've only known each other for less than a month. I don't think I can just jump into a relationship."
"We don't have to. We'll take things slow. Until we know for sure that we can trust each other to not break our hearts." I can't help it. I have to say okay. I owe him a chance.

Okay, so this chapter was a little wonky and roller coastery. Some of it didn't really make sense and this might be moving a little too fast. Im and impatient writer so i kinda just wanted them to fall in love already. :/ sorry if it's not good i was kind of in a rush.

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