Chapter 5

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AN// Vanessa Hudgens will actually play Audrey Clarke. The first picture of Audrey was just some pretty girl on Tumblr, used to just give you an image. Vanessa is officially Audrey. :) Thank you and enjoy!


"So, um, apparently... Tyler actually didn't take advantage of me..." I mumble to Ashley. She scoffs in a way that says "I knew it all along and I'm always right." 

"See! Don't jump to conclusions! You're lucky you took my advice and didn't try to trick him into falling in love with you. I heard that his last girlfriend he had broke his heart so bad that he basically blocked all emotion towards girls. So that's pretty much why he's such a perverted horny man-whore who's also great in bed." She finishes with lustful eyes and a dreamy grin. I sit there with a disgusted face and grab my keys and Ashley's arm. 

"Okay, well come on. We're gonna be late." I had a cool exterior, but the whole ride to school, my brain was filled with questions about Tyler's past girlfriend/s. Does she still go to North Bridge? What could she possibly have done to make Tyler so emotionless? Did he take the same vow I did when I found out I was being cheated on? 

As we walk through the giant double doors of hell, I notice Kyle talking to a girl I've never seen before. They're laughing and speaking with their noses nearly touching. I know we're not officially a thing, but it kinda sorta really bothered me. But I shouldn't be talking, I made out with the guy my sister just had sex with right after the guy I tried to seduce left my house... 

I dump my stuff in my locker and when I close it, Tyler's leaning against the lockers staring intently at me. "Hey. Diner today? I won't buy you a salad, I swear. And I think you owe me after ditching me for that Kyle dude. Oh, and for giving me AIDS." I raise my eyebrow and roll my eyes (I swear I do that like 20 times a day). "Come on. Please. They're having a special today and I can't look like a loner." 

I sigh, saying, "Fine. But you're paying. And I'm driving. And also ordering." He nods and heads off to class. 

Lunch time comes around and my stomach is growling. I meet Tyler at my car and we head off to Tommy's Diner. I contemplate whether or not I should ask him about his ex, but decide against it. It might ruin the mood and I'm not sure I really want to know. I strum my fingers against the wheel as I wait at a red light. The silence was getting awkward so I say, "Um, you don't have AIDS by the way. I was, uh, kidding." Wow Audrey. Good job. Smooth. Conversationalist medal right there. He lightly chuckles and nods his head slowly.

"That's a relief, good to know that my machine is still up and running." He gives me a wink and I blush and look away. Why the fuck did I blush. Ew. 

We arrive at the diner and this time Tyler actually holds the door open for me. I'm about to head to a table when he suddenly grabs my hand and spins me around, capturing my lips and kissing me deeply for what seemed like ten minutes. When he retreats, I give him a raised eyebrow and a questionable look. He just gives me a fake smile and takes my hand. I reluctantly follow as he leads us to a booth in the corner. As soon as we get seated, I say, "What the hell was that for? I thought we were just here to eat, I mean if you wanna court me go ahead, but I'm starving." 

"Sorry, it's just that I just saw my ex with some guy, so you know, natural extinct."

"Oh yeah, I totally get it. Because whenever I see my ex with a girl, I just immediately lock lips with the nearest available person." I grab the menu and scan it, thinking about ordering a salad for Tyler as revenge. But then I realize what we're talking about. His ex. Is here. Possibly the one who had caused Tyler's whole decline. 

"So um, which one's your ex? Just so I know who to randomly make out with you in front of." I laugh at the end, but he gives me a serious look. 

"I'd rather not say. I don't want to think about her anymore, okay? She's out of my life and as of right now, she does not exist." I decide to not press further so I just shrug and nod. 

"Oh my gosh, Tyler! Hey, I thought that was you. It's so good to see you, how have you been?" A cheery voice comes from behind my menu and I lower it to get a view of the speaker. She was blonde, tall, and could possibly be a model. My jaw drops and I look over at Tyler. This must be the ex. He looks uncomfortable and slightly nervous, that's a first. 

"Oh um, yeah, hey. I'm doing pretty good, you?" He fumbles over his words and I could almost catch a glimpse of a bead of sweat rolling down his forehead. 

"Oh I'm absolutely amazing! And who's this? Is she a girlfriend of yours?" She gestures towards me.


"No." We both respond at the same time and we dart our eyes towards each other.


"Yes." Oh crap. We look fake as fuck. She looks between us and gives us a confused look. 

"Um, so I see the relationship is complicated...? Anyway, I would love to stay and chat, but I got to go. Nice seeing you again, Tyler!" As she walks away, I  decide that she is definitely a model. 

"So, does she still not exist?" 

He sighs and slumps his shoulders. "Look, I don't want to talk about it, okay? Just leave it alone." I raise my hands in defense and continue looking at the menu. Gosh, where are all the waiters today? 

When we finished eating (and yes, I ordered Tyler a salad), we head back to the car. Before I get in, he grabs my hand once again and spins me around, kissing me. Afterwards, I'm out of breath and he's grinning. I look around to see if his ex was there, but she was no where in sight.

"Your ex isn't here, you know."

He just smirks and says, "I know." 

AN// Hope this isn't too short? Comment if you want them to be longer. Also, feel free to give me feedback! I won't get butt hurt :) promise. 

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