Chapter 7

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I was  still a little confused as to where Tyler and I were in this "relationship". He said we'll take it slow until we can trust each other... Take what slow? I think it's a little too late for that. Am I jumping into this way too fast? I've only been here for like a month, and already I've pretty much broken my vow. I'm so weak.

I had been pondering this while staring at my ceiling, not moving a muscle. It was Sunday and I had no intention of moving from the comfort of my bed. That is, until my door is nearly knocked off its hinges as Ashley comes rolling in. Her smile is brighter than the sunlight that pours into my room.
"Get up! We're going on a double date!" Her voice nearly shatters my eardrums and all I do is stuff my face into my pillow and groan. Before I knew it, my body was exposed to the cold air and I had been stripped of my pillow. "Come on! Get out of bed before I drag you out myself." Her arms are crossed and she's standing over me, her giddyness filling the air.
"It's a Sunday. You know Sundays are reserved for my bed," I whine. "And who are we going on this date with anyways?"
"You and Tyler. Me and Sean. Now hurry up!" She slaps my butt and that's enough to get me moving. I rub my ass achingly and slowly roll out of bed. Looking at my reflection in the mirror, I know I'll definitely need at least an hour to get ready. Knowing I don't have that time, I quickly throw on a minimal effort outfit and apply as much makeup as I could to cover the sleepiness on my face. I quickly run a brush through my tangled hair and drag myself downstairs. I'm surprised to see Tyler at the kitchen table as I flounce into the kitchen. He immediately turns around and his face lights up like a kid on Christmas. Wow. Never seen that before.
"Hey." His voice sounds small and vulnerable, as if his words were limited. I chuckle at how cute it was and say hey back. "Sean already picked up Ashley. We're supposed to meet them there." His eyes travelled to the floor and he rubbed the back of his neck. What the heck was going on? He seemed like a completely different person. What happened to the guy I skipped school to get breakfast with?
"Tyler, is everything okay? You seem kind of... off."
"I'm fine. It's just that I haven't really done this whole relationship thing in a while and I just really don't want to screw up." He took my hands in his and his eyes looked so soft and welcoming. That was the sweetest thing I've ever heard him say.
"Just remember who I fell for. The guy who would pin me against the wall just to get the point across, the guy who would order me salad just because you knew it would piss me off. Don't get me wrong, this soft side of you is adorable and I love it. But you don't have to walk on egg shells around me, okay?" He sighs in relief and pulls me closer.
"Thank God," he whispers and his hot breath tickles my ear. He kisses me for a while, firmly grasping my waist. My hands are in his soft hair and he pulls away for a second to look at me. "Do you think they'll mind if we ditch? I have some better ideas in mind." He gives me a sly wink, his hands trailing further down. I chuckle and before I knew it, he had picked me up and my legs instinctively coiled around his waist. He starts kissing me again, walking over to the wall. My back is pressed against the wall, and he lets me down to my feet without breaking the kiss. He lifts one of my thighs up, running his hand up and down the back of my thigh. I entangle my fingers in his hair and sharply inhale when he starts leaving kisses down my neck and across my collarbone. He slips the strap of my tanktop down, then the strap of my bra, exposing my bare shoulder. He begins trailing his mouth along my shoulder while pulling me even closer to him. My breathing is ragged and uneven and I let my head fall back on the wall. Soon, he's pulling at the top of my shorts. But before he does anything, he looks up at me and says, "Is it okay? Are we moving too fast? Should we stop?" I had no idea how he was able to control himself like that. My mind was exploding and every inch of my body wanted him so badly. I bit my lip in excitement.
"Don't fucking stop." The corners of his mouth turn up slightly as he picks me up again, this time heading to my room. As soon as we get in, we're attacking each others faces again, our hands reaching every corner of our bodies. He unbuttons my shorts and I slide them off quickly. I guide us to the bed, nudging him to lay down first. I swing my legs on either side of him, sitting on his lower abs. I take off my shirt and help him out of his as I lower myself, kissing his jawline, then capturing his lips. His hands are gripping my butt, pushing me further into him. I was eager and ready to unbutton his jeans but he catches my wrists and pulls away. I give him a confused look and sit upright.
"Did I... Do something wrong?" I felt rejected and immediately wanted to cover my body. I've never felt so vulnerable. I guess I've also never been stopped by a guy before. He lets go of my wrist and sits up, shaking his head.
"No, you did everything perfectly. You're beautiful and your body is fucking amazing and there's nothing in the world I want more right now than to have my way with you."
"But I know that if we had sex now, it won't be as... Special, I guess. I really want this to work and I feel like if we treated our relationship as if it was just physical, then that's what it would become. You understand that, right?" His soft eyes bore into mine and I slowly nodded, a little disappointed but overall glad that he stopped me. I probably would have regretted it in the long run. I slowly clamber from my bed and start picking up my clothes to put back on. But he grabs my waist from behind and pulls me back onto the bed. "Hey, doesn't mean we can't cuddle half naked."
"I think you'll be too tempted," I say, giggling and letting him hold me, his chest rising and falling against my head. I trace the outline of his abs and he plays with my hair and in that moment, everything seemed perfect.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2019 ⏰

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