Chapter 3

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I wake up with a pounding headache and the need to pee. Surprisingly, I'm in my own bed, considering the circumstances last night. I'm going to assume that Ashley (shockingly) stayed sober enough to drive us home. I read the clock next to my bed and it reads 6:24 am. I had a little less than an hour to get ready for school. I know, it's a pretty bad idea to party on a Wednesday. But I guess that's not the only bad decision I've made. (A/N btw she doesn't remember her little rendezvous with Tyler, she's talking about skipping school with him)
After pulling together a cute outfit, applying light makeup, and managing to cover up any evidence that I'm hungover, I grab an Advil and a coffee and I'm on my way to school.
I'm putting away my stuff in my locker when a pink finger nailed claw slams it shut. I turn around to find the living version of a Barbie; blonde hair, blue eyes, about 5 pounds of makeup, and clothes that are probably shrinking by the minute. Her eyes are squinted into slits and her hands are set on her hips.
"Um, can I help you?" I say, not even trying to be polite.
"Yes actually you can, by staying the hell away from Tyler. I would hate to have to break a nail." She says in an all too bitchy way.
"Oh please, I'm not the one you should be talking to. Maybe you should tell your boyfriend to find someone actually worth not cheating on." And with that I grab the rest of my things and leave her glossed lips hanging wide open.
"Wow, quite impressive." Tyler's leaning against the lockers across from mine. He has a grin on his face and his toned arms are crossed.
"Whatever, she was being a bitch and I'm hungover so I decided it was easier than slapping her." I say with a yawn. He chuckles lightly and raises his eyebrows slightly.
"You don't remember anything from last night, do you?" Now that I come to think of it, I don't. I'm gonna guess I stripped on a table and the video has gone viral, or maybe I just passed out, I don't know.
"No... Actually I don't recall anything from last night other than maybe having 2 too many drinks..." 
"Well then let's just keep it that way... It'll probably be less awkward."
"What do you mean? How will it be awkward.. I think you're making it more awkward by saying that it would be less awkward."
"And I think you're saying awkward awkwardly because you're saying awkward so many times." He smirks at me.
"Whatever, I'm gonna be late. See ya later. Or not. Who knows." I give a small wave as I head off to class.
As I sit at my desk, staring at the clock waiting for class to end, I realized that I forgot to ask what happened last night and why it would be so awkward.

• • •

Ding dong.
The doorbell rings and I'm about to get up and get it, but Ashley rushes down the stairs and beats me to it.
"Hi! Come on in... Oh this'll be so fun." I know she invited a guy over by the way she says the word fun. I'm plopped on the couch, reading a magazine when I look up to find that Tyler's the guy Ashley invited over. I really feel like I'm seeing too much of him these days. I'm not sure why, but the thought of Tyler and Ashley hooking up made me feel a little lonely and almost betrayed. I shake my head slightly, trying to convince myself that Tyler and I aren't a thing and he can screw whoever he wants. But I mean, come on, did it really have to be the girl I live with?
He gives me a nod of acknowledgement before Ashley grabs his hand and drags him up the stairs to her sex dungeon. I decide to go out for a run so I wouldn't have to be home listening to their moans. I change into spandex and a sports bra and head out the door. My earphones are in and my phone is dancing around in my loose pocket as I jog. Suddenly my earphones are yanked out of my ear and I hear my phone clatter on the concrete sidewalk. I sigh, bending down to pick it up and inspect any damage. Before I could even get up, I'm knocked down, toppling over and landing on my back. Whatever or whoever had hit me landed on top of me. And I'm not gonna lie, I didn't exactly mind the little incident. Staring into my hazel eyes are dark blue ones. He's sweating and panting and seemed to be checking me out as I was checking him out. He definitely ran often because he had toned arms and strong legs. He had sandy blonde hair and a chiseled jaw. After what seemed like 10 minutes of just staring at each other he finally got off of me and offered me a hand, hoisting me up.
"I am so sorry about that, my mind was kinda wandering and I didn't see you there. You okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine, thanks. I guess I shouldn't have stopped in the middle of the sidewalk..." I say, trailing off with a light chuckle.
"I'm Kyle by the way. I live in the neighborhood. Are you new? I've never see you around."
"Oh, yeah. I just moved in a few weeks ago. And I'm Audrey." He gives me a nod and a smile before saying,
"Well it's nice to meet you, but I gotta run," he laughs at his little "joke" I guess you could call it and says, "see you around." He grins/smirks at me and jogs off. Well damn, how many hot guys can I encounter in the first few weeks of California?
After cooling off outside, I head into the house and grab a water. I'm gulping it down when Tyler comes down and says, "Jeez, you look like you just had sex more than I do..." I nearly choke on the water.
"Listen, I really don't want to hear about your little adventure with Ashley. What happens in her room, stays in her room." He chuckles, taking a sip of my water.
"Why are you wearing a sports bra? You looked much better in that black lace one." He winks at me before heading out the door. My eyes squint and my mouth is widened in an o shape. Oh hell no. Oh my fucking crap.
I had sex with Tyler while I was drunk last night. I can't believe him! That son of a bitch actually took advantage of me. I knew he was an asshole, but that was low, even for him. What if I was a virgin?? What if I had aids?? WHAT IF HE DIDN'T USE PROTECTION. HOLY SHIT.

Ok even I thought this was funny. Leave comments and I hope you like it! Tell me if the chapters should be longer or if I should make any changes and you can leave requests and suggestions too. :)

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