Chapter 8

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"Wait, so how far along are you?" Eleanor asked as they sat on the couch, both holding mugs of hot chocolate with the little heads of Peeps sticking above the liquid.

"About 3 months I guess," Louis said as he looked down at his stomach.

"Seriously? You don't look three months, you're so little still," Eleanor poked the side of his stomach and watched as nothing happened but a dent in Louis' sweatshirt.

"Yeah, my doctor says that I'm smaller than a lot of people, but that's okay. Right now I just look a bit fat, which is saddening, but soon I'll be more firm than fluff. I can't wait until I look less fat and more pregnant," Louis said, sounding pretty excited about the changes that are soon to come in his life.

"What are you going to do about Harry?"

"I don't know.... What is there to do about him? He doesn't seem to want to have anything to do with the babies and if that's what he chooses, then I can't do anything about it," Louis said sadly.

"He's Harry, of course he wants to be with in their lives, yours included. He loves babies, Lou."

"He might like babies, but he doesn't want to be a part of my babies' lives. I don't know whether he's just not ready for babies or if he's just not comfortable with raising another man's kid, but he clearly doesn't want to be in our lives."

"Alright, well, it's getting pretty late so I'm going to go to bed. You should go to sleep too, you'll probably need the rest," Eleanor patted his knee and he nodded. He'd already been showed his room, which was the guest room on the second floor.

"I'll be out of your hair as soon as possible, El. I'm sorry that I put you in this position," Louis apologized. She shook her head with a smile but pat his knee again and went to her room down the hall.


2 months later (because I can't do anything normally, sorry.)

"Lou, you have to go to the appointment."

"But it's so early!" Louis complained, throwing a pillow at Tyler who was now standing in the doorway between the bathroom and bedroom.

"Babes, you have to get up. I know it's early, but you have to," Tyler chuckled.

"Ugh, who even thought that getting up at four in the morning was an acceptable thing?"

"Considering you're the one that needs at least an hour to get ready for anything, we have to have you waking up at the ass crack of dawn," Tyler said, turning around to brush his teeth.

Louis groaned but nodded and rolled out of bed. He walked towards the bathroom, a hand on his lower stomach which was protruding much more now than it was when he'd first left Harry's home. He snatched Tyler's towel from around his waist, the damp cloth still warm. He ignored Tyler's squawk of disapproval in favor of watching Tyler. He was such a handsome man that was built wonderfully even if he did work out a lot for that body of his.

"Alright, you need to get ready, baby," Tyler said.

"Can you turn on my shower please?" Louis asked.

"Sure, but why can't you turn it on though?"

"Because, Ty, I'm still sore because someone can't keep their dick in their pants when it's midnight and they wake up hard," Louis said, somewhat sarcastically but also truthfully.

"You could've said no," Tyler reminded him and nuzzled into his neck after he'd turned on the shower to Louis' preferred temperature.


"Is Liam meeting us here or is it just us today?" Tyler asked as he pulled into the closest parking spot.

"I think that it's just us, I don't know, he might surprise us and show up. He knew that I had an appointment but he hasn't responded to me. He's been really busy with work I know, but he might show up," Louis rambled. He'd always been pretty nervous when going into the doctor's office, even for these appointments where he knew that nothing was wrong most likely.

"Alright, well, we shall see," Tyler said as he turned the car off, "Are you ready?"

"Yeah, of course I'm ready," Louis said as he opened his car door and stepped out, into the humid summer morning air. "After this, can you drop me off at work?"

"Yeah, what time do you need to be picked up?"

"I only work until noon today," Louis smiled just thinking about when he could get off of work.

"Well that's good, we'll get to spend more time together," Tyler replied with a smile as he looked over at Louis, their hands swinging between them without a care in the world.

Tyler had Thursdays off every week which allowed them some extra time together sometimes, which was always good and fun, especially since Louis was getting to be a bit hornier than before his pregnancy. He'd blame it on hormones and stuff, but really, it was just because Tyler's dick did some magical things to him and he just plain loved sex. And both he and Tyler were perfectly fine with him loving sex, as they both loved sex quite a bit.


Once their very uneventful appointment was over, Louis was dropped off at work a twenty-five minutes before he was supposed to clock in. Tyler offered to sit with him until it was time for him to be there, but Louis simply shook his head, turning him down silently and thanked him for the ride before getting out of the car. Tyler sat outside until he made sure that Louis was safe inside the restaurant before leaving. Tyler has been the most caring boyfriend of Louis' so far - not counting the boyfriend that isn't brought up anymore, though Tyler was a very close second to him.

Halfway through his shift, he was cleaning the tables when one of his coworkers came towards him and tapped him on the shoulder before pulling him off to the side where they couldn't be seen.

"You've got someone looking for you but I've never seen him and I didn't want to bring you to him unless you were okay with it. I don't want you dying," Vanessa said somewhat quickly, twirling her dyed blonde hair around her finger out of nervous habit.

"Umm, what does he look like?"

"He's tall and scary."

"Then, stand close by so if I'm killed or dragged off somewhere, there's a witness," Louis said, rubbing his belly soothingly, not sure whether he was trying to calm down himself or the babies stirring inside of him. He winced at a sharp kick to his side and moved one hand to that side to press back - as if that would let the baby know that they weren't supposed to kick their mother.

"Alright, just be careful, Lou. Tyler and Liam would absolutely kill me if I let anything hurt you or the babies."

Louis nodded and allowed himself to be led towards the front of the building. They turned right and there was the Devil himself. Okay, maybe not the Devil, but one of Louis' Devils.

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