Chapter 3

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"Maybe you would end up being my little boy toy," Harry teased. 

"I haven't done anything to deserve you saying that. All I did was stand in front of the window and ask you to take a picture. It's not every day that you see a fabulous window seat that actually looks good from the inside and has a great view," Louis pouted. 

"What does a doll do? Ooh, you could be my doll, Lou," Harry winked. 

"Whatever, you've got to be able to support me and my spending," Louis said, not really paying attention to what he was saying. He was more focused on posting the picture to Instagram and Tumblr. 

"Depending on how eccentric your spending is, I'm sure that I'd be able to support your spending. I mean, I've supported Eleanor this long, though she buys her own clothing sometimes." 

"Well, my spending isn't eccentric in the least." 

"Then we might be able to work something out.... If you will attend company dinners with me and visit me sometimes during the workday," Harry said, picking up Louis' dirty and empty cup. 

"We can make that happen, I do believe. However, if this does happen anytime in the near future, you are not allowed to question what clothing I buy or what I put on my face or in my hair. Do you understand that?" Louis asked with raised eyebrows. 

"I understand that, Louis. It's not my place to question anyone or what they like. Would you like more tea?" 

"No, I'm good. Do you have hot chocolate, though?" 

"Depends on which one you'd like. I have regular with marshmallows, I have french vanilla, and I have peppermint." 

"Can I have peppermint, but with milk rather than water?" Louis asked, quietly typing away, but paying more attention to Harry now. 

"Can you pay attention to me and stop texting or doing whatever it is that you're doing?" 

"I can, but I'm busy." 

"You're busy? Doing what?" Harry asked, eyebrows furrowed. 

"Replying to Instagram comments and shit." 

"Don't say bad words in the living room. There are two places that I will not tolerate the swearing; the kitchen, dining room, and the living room. That counts as two, though, because the kitchen and living room are kinda combined." 

"Whatever Harry." 

"I didn't ask for an attitude, Louis. Why are you being rude?" 

"That's not your business." 

"Give me your phone," Harry demanded, holding out his hand for Louis' phone. 

Louis looked up, completely shocked by how demanding Harry was. He didn't want to be defiant and rude with how generous Harry was being to him, so he just nodded and handed his phone over to Harry. He watched as Harry took his phone to the kitchen with him, but he didn't really care. He pulled the blanket off of the back of the couch. He knew the reason he was being grumpy, he just didn't want to tell Harry. Part of the reason he had been so rude to Harry was because he was sleepy, which he'd willingly admit if someone asked him. If Harry asked him if he was tired, he probably wouldn't tell him that he was tired. He didn't want to leave Harry's house quite yet, it was still kind of early and a weekend. 

"Sit up, doll, don't want you spilling the hot chocolate," Harry whispered as he crouched by Louis' head. 

Louis nodded and groggily sat up. He held his hands out for the cup, which was a glass mug. He took the mug carefully between his two hands, whining as the blanket fell of his shoulders. Harry helped him pull the blanket back over his shoulders. 

"Lou, are you tired?" Harry asked, Louis immediately shaking his head. "Lou, are you telling me the truth?" This time, Louis hesitated before shaking his head. "Would you like to spend the night tonight? I don't want you to drive home if you're tired. It's dark out, you're clearly very tired, and now that I see how much you're obsessed with your phone, I definitely don't want you to drive. If you were to combine all of those things, you would for sure die. I can't have that." 

Louis just nodded and held the cup out for Harry to take, not even caring about the stupid whipped cream above his lip. 

"Have you eaten yet?" Louis shook his head, making Harry sigh, "You should take better care of your body. I want you to start eating at least twice a day, and come over here for dinner if you can. If you can't, I want you to eat a nice breakfast, a filling lunch, a snack, and dinner. Do you understand me?" Louis nodded. "Alright, now that we've gotten that cleared up, would you like to order something or would you like me to make leftovers? Sorry, I'm not feeling up to making a whole new dinner." 


"Pizza or Chinese?" Harry and Louis always either had pizza or Chinese for dinner if they ordered from somewhere. Louis simply shrugged his shoulders, not even caring. "Alright, well I'm in the mood for Chinese. Is Chinese okay with you or do you want pizza instead?" 

"Chinese," Louis whispered, eyelids drooping slightly. 

"Okay, do you want something different or would you like the same thing that you get every other time?" 

"Same thing, but chicken and rice soup as well, please." 

Harry nodded and walked to the kitchen. In the entire four months that he and Louis had been hanging out and spending a lot of time together, Louis never changed his order from chicken lo mein and general tso chicken. Maybe he just wanted something new, Harry thought. It was uncommon for Louis to want to try something new, so Harry just went along with it and decided on ordering Louis his normal order, but adding on the soup. 

"It'll be here soon, baby," Harry said to him as he cuddled up to him on the couch. Harry always took to being more cuddly and more friendly as he got sleepier and sleepier. You could tell that he was really sleepy when he gave up calling people by their names, opting for a pet name instead. Louis nodded and just burrowed into Harry's chest more. 


"Yes, food," Harry nodded and pulled the blanket over Louis, which covered him as well. 

It took close to 45 minutes for the food to finally get there and Harry silently cursed whoever the hell was listening to him. He gently moved a sleeping Louis off of his chest and onto the couch, causing him to stir in his sleep. Harry quietly opened the door, paying the man standing at his door and taking the food, thanking him. 

He walked to the kitchen slowly, still feeling really sleepy. He got out a bowl and two dinner plates. He dumped half of Louis' chicken onto a plate, along with half of his noodles. He poured half of the container of Louis' soup into the bowl, putting a soup spoon in it. He wrapped a dinner spoon and a regular fork, making sure it wasn't a salad fork first, in a napkin and put the plate and bowl onto a tray that he got in a four tray set from his mother. He made his plate as well, putting it on another tray, carrying his tray to the living room. He walked back to get Louis' tray and put it down next to his on the coffee table in the living room. 

"Lou, wake up," Harry whispered, shaking Louis gently. 

"Shh," Louis shushed Harry, causing Harry to let out a chuckle. 

"Your food is here, baby," Harry tried. Louis opened his eyes this time, which Harry counted as a win. 

He helped Louis sit up, patting his back when he was finally sitting up all the way. He moved Louis' tray to Louis' lap, handing him the napkin rolled fork and spoon. Louis thanked him, taking the fork and spoon out of the napkin and putting the napkin into the collar of his white shirt to make a bib. They ate in peace, before Louis went to Harry's room. Harry tucked Louis in and turned off the light, walking back to the living room to sleep on the couch, just in case Louis didn't want him sleeping with him. He didn't usually mind, but just in case today was different, he didn't want to upset Louis. 

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