Chapter 5

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"What were you two doing?" Harry asked as he watched Louis walk to the kitchen. 

"We were talking, what were you doing, lazy bones?" 

"Trying to sleep, but all I hear right now is Eleanor seemingly trying to be quiet but she's definitely losing her shit. What did you do, Louis?" 

"Nothing daddy, what did you do? Who says that it was me?" Louis pouted.

"Well you're the only one that she's spoken to this morning as far as I know. She was doing just fine until you left her room. What did you do, Louis?" 

"Nothing, I promise daddy," Louis said as he walked to Harry, who was still on the couch. 

"I don't believe that, but until you give me a reason to not trust that, then that's fine, I'll trust you. Come be with me." 

Louis shook his head, "I wanna go to your room. The couch makes me feel confined to one space." 

"Then move your pretty little bum to my room," Harry said and patted Louis' bum to make him move along a bit as he walked by. 

Harry followed him until he passed Eleanor's room. Eleanor was standing in the doorway and whispered Harry's name, so of course Harry turned to her. She looked left and right and Harry was seriously confused. This was not a movie so why was she being so theatrical?

"Louis is pregnant," Eleanor whispered into Harry's ear when he bent down low enough. 

"I'm sorry, what?" 

"Louis is-" 

"No I heard you," Harry cut her off. 

"Yeah, he's pregnant. You two had sex?" Eleanor asked. 

"No, we haven't, but that doesn't mean he hasn't had sex with anyone else. You and I both know that, Eleanor. Do you really think that he wouldn't tell me if he actually was pregnant? He's not pregnant, he can't be," Harry shook his head, determined to not believe this. 

"Then why did he ask if I was moving out and when I said that as soon as.... Oh oops...." 

"When you what?" 

"Well, you see, I was thinking about moving out. I've got to pack and get a truck though. I promise that I'll pay the rent for the month that I leave as well," Eleanor said. She didn't apologize, but she looked like she was sorry. Harry knew that it would come one of these days anyway. Eleanor wouldn't have stayed here for the rest of her life. She had a boyfriend and was a grown up who wanted to have kids and have sex and be loud when she's in her own home. 

"Okay, just pay your part of the rent on your last month, whenever that month may be. What were you saying before that about Louis?" 

"Well, we were talking and he asked when I was moving out and I told him that I would move when I told you and packed and got a moving truck or something. And you'll never guess what he said after that," Eleanor said. She was just trying to make it dramatic, Harry knew that, but Eleanor was starting to get really annoying with her dramatic behavior. 

"If you keep dragging this story on for forever, I definitely won't know. We'll both be dead," Harry said as he ran a hand through his tangled hair. 

"Shut up, you rude little pest. But then, he was like 'good, this room would make a good nursery' or some shit like that," Eleanor said as she gasped. 

"Could you stop with the dramatics, El? You're getting your point across. All I'm seeing from this conversation is that Louis is either pregnant or wants to be pregnant. Either way, what is wrong with either of those things?" 

"But when I asked him if he was pregnant, he didn't answer. He just, like, winked and left. And now here we are talking about this."

"That doesn't mean anything, Eleanor. I'll wait for you to move out or him to tell me what's up, whether he's pregnant or wants to be pregnant or whatever the hell. I just need to know, but I'll wait for him to be the one to tell me."

"Harry, you need to figure it out. You'll be waiting for forever if you wait for him to tell you."

"Then I suppose he'll have to figure out how to hide his bump and find a place for his infant, if he is actually pregnant. If he's not, then he's got nothing to worry about. If he is and he tells me, which he will if he actually is, then we won't have anything to worry about. Hopefully, you'll be out of here by the time he gives birth, if he ever does, and if he's even pregnant. We can't just go off of assumptions, Eleanor. You should know that I don't like when people assume things, and I know you don't like when people assume things about you. Don't do it to him if you wouldn't like him to do the same to you. Golden rule or something like that, isn't it?" 

"Are you done rambling about me in here?" Louis asked from the doorway, where he'd probably been standing there for long enough to hear everything they were saying about him. 

"Maybe," Harry said, "But I'm done talking for right now. Would you like to go cuddle in my room now?" Louis nodded and turned back around, walking out quite quickly. 

"We'll talk more about this later, alright?" Eleanor asked as Harry turned to walk out. 

"I don't know. It all depends on what happens while we're cuddling and what happens in the next few months to come." 

"Harry, you need to figure this out," Eleanor said. 

"I know, trust me, I know. But no matter what, I'll be there for him if he wants me to be there for him. And if that means taking care of a child that he's carrying, then that's what it means. If it means leaving his life for his happiness with his baby, then I'll just be hoping that he will continue to at least let us be friends on Facebook or something. I want to be there for him for as long as he'll allow me to be. That's my final answer and my final decision," Harry said and nodded to himself before walking out. 

"Hello daddy," Louis said as he twisted his head back. 

"Hello dove," Harry smiled and crawled into the bed in front of Louis, curling so Louis could spoon him. 

{Sorry if I worried you last chapter. I don't know why I wrote that last bit anyway. I haven't decided if I'll run with that idea or not yet.}

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