25~Shallan & Patrick & Frank

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In twenty minutes I'll see Patrick again. And everyone else too. I'm so excited I can hardly contain it. I'm bouncing in my seat.

"Excited?" Mikey asks. I nod enthusiastically. Mikey smiles. I think back to the conversation I had with Donna two days ago.

We were sitting in the kitchen, originally with Mikey, but he left because Gee needed him.

"You know I haven't seen him smile this much in a very long time." Donna told me.


"Since you've come into his life he's been so much happier. He was happy sure. But not this happy." I smiled.

"Why wasn't he happy?"

"Since Elena died neither of them have been the same. She meant a lot to them. To all of us really. Without her they wouldn't be where they are. Mikey didn't talk for almost three weeks after she died. And he still doesn't talk much now."

"Oh. Well I'm glad that I can help. I'm glad he's happy. I am too, for the most part."

"That's good."

"I forgot what it's like to have friends and family. To be loved."

"Well I'm glad we could give that back to you." I stood and gave her a hug.

"Thank you." I whispered.

"No thank you. Since you came into my boys' lives everything seems to have brightened up."

I smile thinking about that. The car comes to a stop. I adjust my, technically Mikey's, beanie. I've kind of claimed it as my own. I pull my sleeves down, hold the edges in my hands and follow the guys out of the car. The first person I see is Ray.

"Ray!" I run and give him a hug.

"Hi Shallan. Did you have a good Christmas?" he lifts me so that my toes are barely touching the ground.

"The best. You?"


"Shallan!" Frank pulls me away from Ray.

"Hi Frank." I say and laugh. Franks gasps and lets me go.

"She laughed." he says in awe. I roll my eyes and turn to Bob.

"Can I give you a hug?" I ask. He smiles, rolls his eyes and gives me a hug.

"It's good to see you again Shallan."

"You too Bob." Bob releases me and another pair of arms wrap around me from behind.

"Hi Shallan!" Pete says in my ear.

"Hey Pete." Joe grabs me and gives me a hug. And then Andy. When Andy releases me I turn to Patrick. I smile. My heart rate speeds up.

"Patrick." I say and throw my arms around him.

"Shallan." he gives me a squeeze.

"I missed you." I whisper.

"I missed you too." he replies. I want to freeze this moment. I don't ever want it to go away. But eventually Patrick lets me go.

"Let's go people. We have places to be!" one of the bus drivers yells. This time there are three buses, because MCR took one and turned the back of it into a recording studio and then each band has one for sleeping and eating in and all that stuff. MCR are going be working on their third album. Fall Out Boy go to their bus and I follow Mikey to ours, but not before grabbing my suitcase form the trunk. After I take my suitcase onto the bus I lay down on my bunk. This time we have six. Mikey and Alicia are sharing. Their bunk is above mine. Alicia  is only going to be with us for a week and then she has to leave. I bring my notebook out and begin to write another poem. I add little drawings as I go. Some of my poems are about how I feel and others are stories I write about the people I see. They're kind of what I think they feel and think. The curtain gets pushed back. Mikey is standing there.

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