Clan Terminology

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General Terms

Carrionplace - A Twoleg dump in The Forest Territories that in human language is called the North Allerton Amenity Tip.

Crowfood or crow-food – A dead prey animal that has begun to rot; [Can be used as an insult]

Cutter – A veterinarian, specifically, though not always, referring to one that spays or neuters cats.

Dirt - Feces.

Fresh-kill – A recently killed prey animal caught for the purpose of consumption. Fresh-kill is hunted by warriors and apprentices, and sometimes elders, and placed on the fresh-kill pile or brought to the elders. Elders, kits, queens, and sick cats eat first, then warriors and apprentices. Extras stay in the fresh-kill pile.

Fourtrees - A place located in the forest territory, where the territory's corners would meet, in which four oaks stood and the Clans would gather in peace every full moon.

Gathering – The monthly meeting of all the Clans when the moon is full, at either Fourtrees or the Island. There is a truce on this night, and no fighting is allowed.

Greenleaf Twolegplace – A place frequented by Twolegs during summer, such as a resort or camping spot near the lake.

Halfbridge – A boat dock.

Horseplace – A place where horses are kept, such as ranches and stables.

Hunting Patrol – A group of cats hunting for fresh-kill to bring back for their Clan to eat. May fight if there are trespassers.

Kittypet – A domesticated pet cat.

Loner – A cat that lives by itself and doesn't defend its territory.

Making dirt - Defecating.

Monster – A vehicle operated by humans.bOften described when cats are near Twolegs/the Thunderpath. Motorboats are sometimes referred to as "water-monsters."

Star tunnel – The place near the Lake where medicine cats and leaders share tongues with StarClan.

Moonstone – The place in the Forest where medicine cats and leaders shared tongues with StarClan.

Mothermouth - The opening to the cave where the Moonstone is/was located.

Rogue – A usually hostile cat who does not have a permanent home, roams around, and does not care about crossing Clan boundaries.

Sharing tongues – Cats grooming each other while sharing the latest gossip. A cat lies on the ground, talking, while the other grooms their fur, listening.

Sharptooth - A term the Tribe of Rushing Water use for mountain cats. They are rarely encountered and more dangerous than eagles.

She-cat - A female cat.

She-kit - A female kit.

Silver boulder - A boulder that, when the silver disc is pulled off, holds Twoleg rubbish. To Twolegs, they are just trash cans/bins.

Silverpelt – The large swath of stars in the sky.?

Silverthorn - Barbed wire.

Smooth boulder-thing - Twoleg ball.

Snowmelt - A term used to describe slush or dirty, melted snow.

Soft boulder - A pillow or cushion.

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