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You know those moments in movies where everything except for the main character is going in slow motion, and they can't really register anything that's happening around them because they're so focused on something else? Yeah, just picture that for a moment.

Louis stands abruptly from his seat on the couch and rushes over to the balcony, he faintly hears his name being called behind him but he shuts the glass door.

Louis takes a deep breath, "Why are you calling me? Why do you think this is OK?"

I haven't heard from you in months, he doesn't say.

"I just wanted- I wanted to talk," Zayn's voice stutters a bit, "I want to see you."

Louis scoffs, "You want to see me?"

Zayn left him for someone else, what could he possibly want from him? Why is he still on the phone with him? He doesn't matter anymore. He hasn't mattered in a long time.

Even if Louis doesn't give a single fuck about him anymore. It's been so long since he's heard his voice.

Not after all those months ago when they were yelling and screaming. Angry and crying.

When Louis had tried reach out and fix what was far from fixing.

Still so far from fixing.

When Zayn had ignored him for so long like years of a relationship meant absolutely nothing to him.

"I want to see you. I've realized how bad I've fucked up. I want to start over, I know it won't be easy but I'm so- I'm just so lost without you-"

He can feel his heart pounding, he can actually hear his heart pounding in his ears.

Louis shakes his head, "Stop. Just stop. You don't get to do this. You don't get to do this to me."

Everything is so loud. It's all loud, he feels like he's shouting. It feels like his heart is in his stomach.

He hears Zayn inhale shakily, "Lou, I'm sorry, I'm more sorry than I'll ever be in my entire life."

He hangs up the phone quickly and it drops from his hands. It's probably cracked but it doesn't really matter. He sits on the chaise Niall has on his balcony and lights a cigarette.

He's smoked three cigarettes when he hears the glass door open and shut.

Louis glances behind him to find Liam picking up his phone.

"Hey Li, Whats up? Miss me?"

Liam smiles small, sad, "Always Lou. Heard you shouting a bit. Y'alright?"

So he was yelling a bit. Louis shrugs.

He looks back down at the cigarette in his hand, "Don't worry 'bout me Payno-"

"I always worry Louis. You especially are no exception."

"Well don't," Louis responds swiftly and sternly.

"So that was-"

Louis smashes the cigarette into the ground and rubs his eyes with his hands, "Yeah. Yeah, it was him."

He laughs humorlessly and turns to look at Liam, "Why can't he just leave me alone Li?"

Liam's fuming. He's fucking boiling because his best friend- no they're closer than that, his brother is hurting because some arsehole hurt him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2017 ⏰

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