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There's an ache in Louis' forehead and nose from smashing his face in the counter when Louis hears the door's bell go off again. He hears Niall before he sees him.

"Y'alright mate?"

"Yeah m'fine," Louis mumbles, he lifts his head off the counter sitting back up, "Done already?"

"Nah gonna head out again soon just thought I-Hey!" Niall says suddenly.

Louis looks around wondering what in the hell his idiot friend is yelling about. His mouth falls open as he watches the blond walk over to the only other person in the shop; Legs (it's a new nickname he's thought up), throwing an arm around his shoulder saying something to make Legs throw his head back in laughter.

Wait, how does Niall even know this boy? How is he friends with seemingly everyone on this planet?

Niall claps him on the back and starts to walk back towards where Louis is now standing behind the counter. As he closer to Louis, Louis grips his the blond by the arm and pulls him over getting close to his face.

"You know Legs?" Louis says hurriedly in a hushed voice, eyes slightly manic.

"Legs?" Niall says confused. What is he on about? Who the hell is Legs? Has his best mate finally gone insane?

The older boy's eyes widen when he realizes what he's said. They both look down at where Louis is gripping Niall's arm, and back up at each other. Louis looks quickly over to the boy with the curly hair only to find him looking back with a very sad face. Looks away again.


Louis takes a step back releasing Niall's arm quickly and coughs. He musses his hair stumbling through his next sentence. He tries to stay quiet but remain loud enough so Niall hears him.

"I meant to say, owhay oday youyay owknay atthay oybay," Louis looks at the blond intently, "overyay erethay?"

He sends a small prayer that the idiot will get the message and stay quiet, but instead he just gets a long blank stare in return from the boy. Oh god.

Why did he choose to say that in Pig Latin? Why didn't he just whisper it?

Legs coughs, was he not quiet enough? Oh God.

Well it's time to consider a new life and new name. He better put in his two weeks notice now.

"Oh! Do you mean Harry?" Niall says none too loudly, cocking his thumb towards the boy in question. Harry looks over at the mention of his name.

Or he could just, you know, die? Yeah, that sounds a lot better right about now.

Harry is having a good morning. He's always been a morning person though so it's always pretty great actually, now that he thinks about it. Harry suspects he's simply happier all the time now, morning or night, now that he's beginning to become his own person, and is more comfortable in his own skin unlike before.

He's done his morning yoga, tried his new herbal tea that he bought the other day, and he's also pretty excited to try out a new healthy recipe he's found. 

He is now headed for a record shop one of his friends recommended he go to, since he still can't find a certain vinyl he has been hunting down.

His job at the bakery doesn't do him much, but he saves up enough to get by and splurge when he wants to.

He's in his second year of university still unsure of what he wants to pursue. He's currently taking the basic classes required, but he's promised himself he will know what he wants to do before the end of the year... hopefully.

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