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Harry is currently in the bakery's kitchen kneading some dough. He's going to make croissants and he's trying a new recipe he's really excited about. It's about mid-afternoon and things are unusually slow.

Well it's actually completely empty. Mary's out today running errands and he was left in charge.

Harry's had a pretty eventful few weeks, if he does say so himself. He's reunited with an old friend, made new friends and in the process developed a minor (major) crush on someone.

His phone buzzes in his pocket. He sighs it's probably Nick.

That's all Nick really is to be honest. Just one big sigh.

Nick had been interesting and cool to talk to at first, but as time went on Harry discovered that Nick Grimshaw just really liked to talk about one thing, and that was himself.

(You should come down and see me radio host some time. I know a friend who knows a friend who knows Kelly Osbourne. Pretty impressive right? I know.)

When he wasn't going on and on about himself he was talking negatively about Louis.

(I just don't understand Louis Tomlinson and the fantasy world he lives in. He acts so tough and hard but he's really not. He's all bark and no bite. See, I know how to back up my words. I know how to bite.)

If he wasn't talking badly about Louis he had something to say about pretty much anyone else around him.

(Eugh Harry did you see that mans hair! How did he even leave his home this morning!)

To be quite honest he's surprised the man hasn't found something about Harry to pick on.

He sighs again. He's been avoiding Nick's calls and texts and even stopped going to the record shop so he wouldn't chance running into him. Which also means he hasn't spoken to or even seen Louis in weeks.

And Harry knows, he knows, it would be so easy to just talk to Nick and say he's not interested in being his friend or his anything, but he's just not good at that.

He's not good at saying no. Yeah sure he's changed from the Harry he was a year ago, but saying no or turning people down always has and always will be difficult for him.

He doesn't like disappointing people.

He hears the bell at the door ring and he quickly puts down the dough to move to the front counter to greet whoever walked in.

"Hi! Welcome to-"

Harry cuts himself off when he see's who has just walked in.

"Harold!" The boy grimaces inwardly at the name and the man himself.

Nick walks up to the counter with a large grin, "Haven't seen or heard from you in ages Hazza. What's going on. We still on for that concert? Oh! My God Harry you should have seen this lady with the bluest hair-"

Harry sighs it's now or never.

"Listen Nick," Harry cuts the man off before he can start, "I'm sorry I haven't kept in touch with you. I just don't think we're on the same page?"

Nick finally, finally, shuts his mouth and stares dumbfounded into green eyes.

Oh. Did Harry read this wrong?

No he's pretty sure was being a little more than friendly, so Harry continues.

"I just want to make it clear I'm not interested in being anything more than friends with you." Harry smiles small at the tall man before him.

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