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"What's wrong?"asks f/n. "Everything is going to all hell." "My ex made a video about me then a different YouTuber threatened to make false allegations if I don't make an appearance on his show."sounds bad, anything I can do to help?""No,not unless you're gonna give me free rent." "I guess not then." F/N leaves and I start to devise a plan. I could probably expose the DMs before he accuses me of something I didn't do. But it would look like I'm just trying to cover my own ass. It's fine it seems like the most logical solution. So I go on Twitter and screenshot the DMs and post them on all of my social media. I should also post a short video about it. When the video is uploaded I get a text from a blocked number, most likely Calvin again. The text reads

'Hey sorry for making it sound like it's your fault you ran away I guess you had a good reason.. Anyways I saw your video and I just wanted to warn you Keem might DOX you, he Dmed me that if you don't agree he will give out your personal information. So I'd get a new number and address asap if I were you.'

Dox me!? But that's illegal! I better get a new number quickly. I get my phone number changed and ask f/n to change my address, given the current situation. I DM Calvin my new number even though I doubt really want to date him it's the least I could considering he told me about Keem. I get a knock on my door. "WHO IS IT!" "FUCKING PEWDIEPIE!" "COMING!" I open the door and step outside. "What are you doing here Calvin?" " I came to apologize. What I did was really wrong and I regret it. I spend every day either hungover or high because I can't stand to be without you. We stand and stare at each other in silence for a bit. Until I lean in to kiss him. He grabs my waist  and accepts the kiss. "I never want to leave you again Calvin." "I don't want to leave you either y/n." I lead him into my apartment and the my bedroom and we sit down on the bed and talk all night. Eventually we fell asleep beside each other in my bed.

End of chapter. Hey hope you liked this one! It might be the end of this book... I'm sorry it's just writers block. Anyways thanks for all your support! I've gotten so many reads in such a short amount of time!

•_______-winky whale

Signing out ~buthowaboutno

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