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Your POV
I can't believe it. This isn't happening. I found something I wasn't looking for and I enjoyed it. I don't want this love to be taken away from me. He was just defending me. It's my fault he's been expelled. I can't help crying. "It's my fault." Calvin looks at me and says."It's not your fault it's mine okay, I shouldn't have punched him. I knew I had one more strike." "Calvin you are my only close friend---boyfriend I have here." "Don't worry. We can still play games over Skype." He gives me an endearing smile. "Let's go back to your dorm." "Yeah I'd like to talk to you more anyways."

~time skep to Calvin's dorm~

"We've done a lot these last few weeks." He audibly sighs. "I just want to know if you meant what you said." "About what?" I say raising an eyebrow. "About loving me..." "Calvin.. I do love you. I just don't know if I deserve you." " really y/n I don't deserve YOU you are amazing, your beautiful h/c hair and your mesmerizing e/c eyes. You are good at video games and fun to talk to." "Calvin, I'll go with you, I'll drop out." "No. Save your future. You're really smart and most likely start something in computers when you graduate."
He looks down. I get up to walk out and then open the door.
"Bye Calvin." I shut the door and walk away. Trying to forget every memory I've had with him because I probably won't see him again. When I arrive at my dorm  I feel like a piece of my heart was just ripped out. I flop onto my bed. I don't want anyone bothering me. *knock* "GREAT who is it?" "It's Alex" "fine come in." He slowly open the door." "Everything okay?" "Well my boyfriend kind of best friend is being kicked out of school and it's my fault but yeah other than that everything's dandy!" " How is it your fault? Calvin is the one that punched Luna." "He punched him to protect me!" "Oooooooh." "Just forget it leave." I feel tears welling up in my eyes. Alex closes the door softly. Bzzzz it's my YouTube notification pyro has a new video up titled "The Dog Lady Strikes Again." On the thumbnail there's a picture of that blondie who said she'd steal leafy or some shit. I'm guessing this video mentions Calvin. But I don't want to hear about him for a while.

~time skip to graduation day~

Third Person POV

You've graduated but didn't want to attend the ceremony. Everyday since Calvin left you went back to the coffee shop he took you to. You ordered the ghostcoffe every time. You'd done it without thinking really, you've forgotten about Calvin but you still notice something is missing. You haven't contacted him and he hasn't contacted you. Till today.

Congrats on graduating sorry for not talking much been busy look under your nightstand xoxo -Calvin aka reptilian overlord
Read at 12:34

Sorry that was cheesy as fuck
Read at 12:35

Seeing this text makes you light up , you feel so happy to remember him.

Your POV
I sprint to my dorm trying to avoid the usual fuckboys trying to slobber all over me.
"Hey why don't you let me tap that." Well speak of the devil looks like Luna. Luna usually bothers me. The funny thing is Calvin used to look up to him. I just ignore him and walk away. He's normally harmless. He runs after me which is unusual he grabs my stomach from behind and even though I try to resist he keeps holding me tighter. "GET OFF ME LUNA." "Aww you know you want me come on just a little kiss baby?" "Get away from me! He turns me around and pushes me against the wall. There was no one to help me, Calvin was gone and everyone was at the graduation ceremony. Luna put one hand under my shirt keeping me pinned to the wall. "STOP! GET OFF OF ME." I was begging at this point. He leaned into my face and tried to kiss me I turned my face so he wouldn't put his disgusting lips on mine. I realized how I could escape. I kicked him in the balls and ran and screamed "HOPE YOU CAN NEVER REPRODUCE!" I quickly unlocked my dorm room ran in and locked it again. I get another text from Calvin.

So have you looked under your nightstand yet?
Read at 12:42
Nope sorry was being molested
Read at 12:42
Are you okay?
If I wasn't okay I wouldn't be texting you lol I'm fine I kicked him in the the sacks. Read at 12:43

👌stay safe

I go into my bedroom to look under my nightstand and see three things a note, a mug, and a bra. Wait.. Isn't that the bra I forgot at home? The note says

I found your bra in my room when I gave you back your key. And as for the mug it has a picture of you on it so you know what you REALLY look like (lol) and turn over the note. I turn it over. 5220 Rosewick ln, Salt Lake   
City,Utah. This is my current address if you need a place to stay you're always welcome.

Oh yeah that's right I have no where to stay. I guess I'll stay with him for a bit. Till I get a place of my own at least. I'll call him. ~brrring brrring~ click "Hello?" "Hey it's Calvin" "Yeah about that note under my nightstand I just realized I have no where to stay so I thought maybe I could stay with you?" "Yeah of course whatever you need." "Okay could you pick me up at 7:00am tomorrow?" "Probably not sharp but I'll do what I can." "Okay byeeeeeeee." "Bye." He says with a little bit of a chuckle.

Sorry I'm posting a little late I had to go to my sisters gymnastics competition. I hope you enjoyed see you lattttterrrrrr.

•_____- winky whale

Signing out~buthowaboutno

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