1940s AU

441 10 7

Megan Morse rounded the corner to see her best friend Artemis Crock and her fiancé Wally West waiting for her in front of their favorite restaurant, the one their gang used to go to all the time when they were in high school. Megan had dozens of photos in her scrapbook of them dancing and smiling, even when times were tough. Most of those pictures had Conner in them.

She and Conner had been going steady for five years when they broke up.  He'd had trouble getting close to anyone after his dad moved out when he was thirteen.  Clark Kent had lost his job in the Depression, and had moved out east to find a new one.  For years, he sent his wife money to support herself and their son, but he never once visited.  Because of this, Conner grew up with feelings of anger and abandonment, always afraid to get close to anyone in the fear that they would one day leave him, too.

Megan had had an unhappy childhood.  Her unemployed parents had taken her and all her brothers and sisters out of school to work at twelve.  After her fifteenth birthday, Megan, believing her presence to be a burden to her financially struggling family, had run away from home to relieve them of one more mouth to feed.  She came to live with her single uncle John, who was doing very well, considering the circumstances.  He helped Megan catch up in her studies, then sent her to the local high school for an education and a chance at a better future.

That was where they had met.  Neither Conner nor Megan had been watching where they were going, and had crashed into each other in the hallway.  She had bent down to gather her fallen books, and he to help her.  They lifted their heads, their eyes met, and sparks flew between them.  "I like your jacket.", she'd said, referring to the letterman jacket he'd earned in football.  He'd smiled, something he hadn't done since his father left.  Two months later, they started dating, and on their one-year anniversary, he'd given her the letterman jacket she'd said she liked and asked her to go steady with him.  She'd screamed her acceptance.

They had been through so much together.  Megan had helped him forgive his father when he moved back, and paved the way for them to become close again.  In turn, Conner had helped her through when her parents died, and her older siblings sent their little brother Garfield to live with her and John.  They had hardly anything in common, except for one thing—they were crazy about each other.

But as time passed on, the couple faced challenges.  John was laid off, and Megan feared he might send her and Garfield away from Happy Harbor and all their friends.  She was so afraid of being forced to leave, she resorted to pickpocketing to help her and her family get by.  One day, Conner caught her in the act.  They had gotten in a big fight over it.  Megan kept saying that taking the money from other people helped her, her brother, and her uncle, who needed it the most.  But Conner kept saying it was wrong no matter what.  Finally, after weeks of fighting, Conner asked her for his jacket back.

The breakup had broken M'gann's heart.  She cried in her room for days.  That's when Lagan made his move.  Lagan was a friend of Kaldur Durham, who was one of the gang, from their hometown Atlanta, who, like Megan, had run away to lighten his family's burdens.  They bonded over this, and became closer and closer.  He offered her his Atlanta Academy class pin, only a week after her breakup with Conner, and asked to be her new steady mate.  She accepted.

Megan took every opportunity to rub her new steady in the face of her old one. She and Conner rarely talked anymore, and when they did, it ended in a fight. But deep down, Megan missed Conner, and often found herself wishing they were still together. It was only after she pick-pocketed from Kaldur, who had seemingly turned on them, only to find out he was helping them, did she realize the error of her new ways. She gave up stealing forever, but still couldn't bring herself to forgive Conner for abandoning her.

Megan met up with Wally and Artemis. Artemis gave her a hug, as did Wally, before going into the restaurant. Soon, they were laughing and chatting and eating (Especially Wally was eating). It was just like old times. If Megan closed her eyes, they were teenagers again, talking about perms and who was taking them to the school dance. After asking for the check, Megan got both their attention. "Okay, guys...what did you call me here for?"

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