Happy Birthday

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"No...this year, you're the only one who remembered."  Wendy looked at Conner, sitting on the bench next to her, his eyes on the grass.  In all the years that she'd known him, she had never seen him like this—sad, lonely, and vulnerable.  She had to do something about it.  "Hey!  Marvin and I, our plans for tonight fell through.  Maybe you wanna hang out with us?"  Conner nodded, smiling weakly at her.  He missed M'gann. He still couldn't believe that she forgot his birthday.

Six Months Later

M'gann woke up to find Garfield waiting for her with a breakfast tray.  "Happy birthday, Sis!"  She smiled as she slid her sleep mask off.  "Aw, Garfield!  You are so sweet!"  She got out of bed and took her tray from him.  "I can't wait to see what the rest of the Team has planned for me!"

She morphed into her usual yellow outfit and flew to the kitchen to find Conner eating eggs and bacon.  "Hi!"  He looked up.  "Hi."  M'gann waited for him to say "Happy birthday!"  But he didn't.  He just sat there, chewing his food.  "You know what today is, don't you?"  Conner raised an eyebrow.  "Tuesday?"  "Well, yes, but its not just any ol' Tuesday!", M'gann said.  "Its a very special day!"  "Since when is the day to go grocery shopping special?"

M'gann frowned.  "So...you don't remember anything special today?  Anything important?"  Conner shook his head.  "No."  He finished his breakfast and got out of his seat.  "Well, I better get to Smallville."  M'gann looked at him.  "You're going to Kansas?  Today?"  "Yep!  Pa needs me to help him fix up the tractor."  He called Wolf and Sphere to his side.  "See y'all tomorrow!"  M'gann watched him leave with tears in his eyes.  I can't believe it...Conner forgot my birthday?
M'gann was inconsolable all day long.  Nothing could cheer her up.  Not the super cute clothes the girls gave her for presents.  Not the delicious birthday cake that Nightwing brought in.  Not even her own little brother doing a cute monkey dance to amuse her.  She couldn't believe Conner had forgotten her birthday, and even worse, gone halfway across the country for it.  It just wasn't the same without him there.

Aw, who am I kidding?, she thought.  I deserve this.  I remembered Conner's last birthday, but I didn't say a word!  Serves me right.  At the end of the day, she dragged herself back to her bedroom.  "Happy birthday, M'gann.", she sighed.  She stepped inside and flipped the lightswitch.  She brought her head up and gasped.

Conner sat on her bed, holding a beautifully wrapped present on his lap.  Smiling, he got up and walked over to her.  "Happy birthday, M'gann."  She blinked away tears as she took his gift.  "Conner...you did remember.  I was so sure...after how I abandoned you on your's..."  He held her hands.  "I wouldn't do that to you.  I love you too much."

M'gann opened the present and found a little white stuffed bear inside.  On it's belly was the Superman insignia Conner himself bore so proudly.  "Thank you so much, Conner.  And don't worry...next year, I'm doing something real special for your birthday."  Conner smiled.  "I guess I can look forward to that.  But until then..."  He dove in and kissed her, and she happily returned it.

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